This is a code to constrain the ultralight dark matter (ULDM) using the SPARC data set. The running modes contain {smart grid, even grid} x {soliton + NFW, soliton + Burkert, soliton only}. For soliton + NFW/Burkert, to speed up the marginalization of nuisance parameters, I recommend using emcee
to propose a smart grid as it is defaulted now.
First plot is the constraint on soliton mass contained in each disk galaxy (normalized by the amount predicted by simulations,) second interpreted constraint on ULDM total density. See the publication for details.
Simple use case of a run with smart-grid can be invoked by
python -N <length_of_chain> -o <path_to_output> -L <location_of_dataset> -i <path_to_input> -w <number_of_walkers>
for example:
python -N 30000 -o ./chains/run_18_ma_24 -L ./data/ -i input/sample.param -w 100
where sample.param
is the param card to be specified separately, with the range of the scan as well as galaxies of your choice.
After the run finishes, the chains can be either parsed by
python -i <path_to_chain>
or by using the 1_demo_parse_smart_grid.ipynb
The m slice run can also be automated with
python -N <length_of_chain> -o <path_to_output> -L <location_of_dataset> -i <path_to_input> -w <number_of_walkers> -m 'logm_min logm_max number_of_slicing' -G 'galA galB ...'
for example:
python -N 30000 -o ./chains/run_000_NFW -L ./data -i input/sample_mslicing_2.param -w 100 -m '-25 -19 30' -G 'NGC0100 NGC2403'
will automatically run soliton+NFW model over NGC0100 and NGC2403 with 30 fixed m ranging from 1e-25 eV to 1e-19 eV. The h5 chains will be saved under ./chains/ folder.
For a scan of Soliton+anything with evenly spaced grid, see 2_demo_even_grid_scan.ipynb
. For discussions on gravitational dynamical relaxation time scales, see 3_demo_dynamical_relaxation_time.ipynb
This code is under MIT license.
If you use this code or find it in any way useful for your research, please cite Bar, Blum, and Sun (2021). The BibTeX entry is:
author = "Bar, Nitsan and Blum, Kfir and Sun, Chen",
title = "{Galactic rotation curves vs. ultralight dark matter II}",
eprint = "2111.03070",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ph",
month = "11",
year = "2021"