This repository contains code and notebooks for the paper "DECE: decision explorer with counterfactual explanations for machine learning models." Check the paper.
Counterfactual explanations allow humans to understand a model prediction by answering the question: How does one obtain an alternative or desirable prediction by altering the data just slightly? For instance, a counterfactual explanation is like "if you had an income of $40,000 rather than $30,000, your loan request would have been approved."
DECE is a visualization system that helps model developers and model users explore and understand machine learning models' decisions through counterfactual explanations. DECE supports exploring counterfactual explanations for a single instance and also data subgroups. In the subgroup-level analysis, it can be used to find the answer for the questions like "Does a low glucose level assure that the patients will be predicted healthy (or at low-risk for diabetes) by the model? What are other factors for diabetes?"
This repository contains:
- DECE-engine, an efficient and scalable implementation of the counterfactual explanation generation algorithm presented in the paper. Check the tutorial notebooks for the usage.
- DECE-visualization, a browser-based interactive visualization system.
STEP-0: Clone the repository the original source or your forks.
git clone
STEP-1: Prepare for the environment.
Prepare for the python enviroment (python3.7 is recommended):
virtualenv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Prepare for the node.js enviroment (for browser-based visualization):
cd client/
npm install
STEP-2: Add the current path to PYTHONPATH.
Please check the tutorial notebooks.
DECE is web application built on flask (python) and node.js. To run the visualization part of the system, you ought to run a flask server and a web server. Please follow the guidance below.
STEP-1: Start flask development server:
python -m server.cli
STEP-2: Start client development server:
cd client/
npm start
STEP-3: Visit localhost:3000/
for the visualization.
author={Cheng, Furui and Ming, Yao and Qu, Huamin},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
title={DECE: Decision Explorer with Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Models},