Holding contests using problems from other OJs!!
Comparing to the original version of virtual-judge source code, there are the following changes in this version:
- Fix the support for ACdream, Aizu, Codeforces, CSU, NBUT, POJ, SCU, SPOJ, URAL and UVA OJs
- Add support for CodeforcesGym and Tyvj OJ
- Add support for MathJax
- Update language information of code submission
- Automatically download the PDF and image files of problem description to server so that clients can view them without the Internet access
- Other small changes
- Click here to visit the official wiki page and follow the instructions.
Notice that since this version of virtual-judge add support for CodeforcesGym and Tyvj, you should add two OJs calledCFGym
like this to provide accounts for them. - Click here to visit the unofficial rapid deployment guide for Windows x64 (in Chinese).
与 原版 virtual-judge 源码相比, 该本版有以下修改:
- 修复对ACdream, Aizu, Codeforces, CSU, NBUT, POJ, SCU, SPOJ, URAL 和 UVA 这些OJ的支持
- 添加对CodeforcesGym以及Tyvj这些OJ的支持
- 添加对MathJax的支持(用于显示公式,默认使用互联网上的版本,需要离线请自行下载并更新
中的路径) - 更新代码提交时可选的语言
- 自动下载题目描述的PDF文件以及图片到服务器,以便客户端在没有互联网的情况下浏览(题目使用PDF文档显示或者题面包含图片时把PDF或者图片文件离线到服务器上,客户端从VJ服务器上显示PDF及图片而不是原始OJ服务器,以供在只有服务器有互联网访问,客户端只有跟服务器的内网连接时可以正常使用,这是我本人的部署环境,一些代码会为此为目标环境而编写)
- 其它小变化