Abstract syntax tree (AST), or just syntax tree. C++ realization
If you would like to write a language parser, you need to store operations by some way. One of way is to use ASTree. I wrote my own realization for using in my future project. This realization based on smart pointers (std::shared_ptr), so you don't need to release memory by yourself.
Try it and you will see, this is convenient!
#include "astree.hpp"
enum ASTNodeType{
Default, Head, Add, Mult, Power, Number
using ASTNode = ASTree::ASTNode<ASTNodeType>;
// create root node
auto syntaxTree = ASTNode::GetNewInstance(ASTNodeType::Head, "HEAD_NODE");
const auto leftOp = ASTNode::GetNewInstance(ASTNodeType::Number, "2");
const auto rightOp = ASTNode::GetNewInstance(ASTNodeType::Number, "5");
// add children to root
syntaxTree->addChild(ASTNode::GetNewInstance(ASTNodeType::Power, "POWER_NODE", leftOp, rightOp));
#include "astree.hpp"
/* create syntaxTree here */
using ASTNodeWalker = ASTree::ASTNodeWalker<ASTNodeType>;
ASTNodeWalker walker(syntaxTree);
std::cout <<walker.getDotFormat() <<std::endl;
// write to file for dot utility
std::ofstream{"dot_format.txt", std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out} << walker.getDotFormat();
// run dot utility, that generate PNG image from dot_format.txt and save it to 'current directory'
system("dot -O -Tpng dot_format.txt");
/* Produce next output
* graph {
* node[fontsize=10,margin=0,width=".4", height=".3"];
* subgraph cluster17{
* nnode_0[label="HEAD_NODE"];
* nnode_3[label="POWER_NODE"];
* nnode_0--nnode_3;
* nnode_1[label="2"];
* nnode_3--nnode_1;
* nnode_2[label="5"];
* nnode_3--nnode_2;
* nnode_6[label="MULT_NODE"];
* nnode_0--nnode_6;
* nnode_5[label="7"];
* nnode_6--nnode_5;
* nnode_4[label="8"];
* nnode_6--nnode_4;
* }
* }