This Python program allows a user to set up a username and password with certain requirements. It serves as a basic example of how a registration system might be implemented.
- Username input: Allows the user to set their desired username.
- Password input: Allows the user to set their password, ensuring it's at least 12 characters long.
- Password verification: Asks the user to re-enter their password, verifying they know it, and provides opportunity for correction in case of mismatch.
graph TB
Start --> EnterUsername
EnterUsername --> EnterPassword
EnterPassword --> IsPasswordLongEnough
IsPasswordLongEnough{Is password >= 12 characters?} --> |No| EnterPassword
IsPasswordLongEnough --> |Yes| VerifyPassword
VerifyPassword{Do passwords match?} --> |No| EnterPassword
VerifyPassword --> |Yes| Success
Success --> End
Run the script in your Python environment. The program will guide you through the registration process.
while True:
username = input("Enter username: ")
password = input("Enter password: ")
if len(password) < 12: # Check password length
print("Password must be at least 12 characters. Please try again.")
continue # Return to start of loop
password_check = input("Re-enter your password: ")
if password == password_check: # Check password match
print("Registration successful.")
print("Passwords do not match. Please try again.")
Run the script in your Python environment. The program will guide you through the registration process.