Expanding upon the ideas presented on: "A transcomplementing gene drive provides a flexible platform for laboratory investigation and potential field deployment"
Folders and files follow this naming convention:
: Fitness cost on the Cas9 allele (1e4)fcb
: Fitness cost on broken alleles at the Cas9 locus (1e4)fga
: Fitness cost on gRNA allele (1e4)fgb
: Fitness cost on broken alleles at the gRNA locus (1e4)cut
: Cutting rate (1e2)hdr
: Homing rate (1e2)ren
: Number of releases (1e0)res
: Size of releases (1e2)
For the breakdown of the AOI sets, look at the gene definitions:
Exported metrics (MOI) for the drive are:
- WOP: Total sum of time below the threshold
- TTI: First break below the threshold
- TTO: Last break below the threshold
- RAP: Fraction of the population with the genes at given points of time
- MNX: Minimum and maximum of genes in the population
Summary statistic files follow this naming convention:
Where the main AOI was HLT (presence of mosquitoes) and the outputs (labels) are:
- TTI, TTO, WOP: Fraction's threshold for the metric to be true
- RAP: Fraction of present genotypes at given points (days) of the simulation
- MNX: Min/Max and days at which these are achieved
The following lines should run the whole set of analysis for the current workflow:
./tGD_preCrunch.sh srv; \
./tGD_pstCrunch.sh srv 50 0.1; \
./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv 50 0.1; \
./tGD_dtaTraces.sh srv 50 0.1 HLT HLT
./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.1; ./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.9; \
./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.2; ./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.8; \
./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.25; ./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.75; \
./tGD_clsCrunch.sh srv2 50 0.5;