using VRChatOSCLib;
VRChatOSC vrcOsc = new VRChatOSC(); // Doesn't connect, use .Connect() after
.... = new VRChatOSC(true);// Connect and use default remote port 9000
.... = new VRChatOSC(8901); // Connect and use custom remote port
.... = new VRChatOSC("192.168.1.X", 9000); // Connect and Use custom IP from string and custom port
.... = new VRChatOSC(IPAddress ipAddress, 9000); // Connect and Use custom IP from IPAddress class
// If no parameters are passed to the constructor, you will need to connect the client manually. You can do this using the .Connect() method.
vrcOsc.Connect(); // Uses default remote port 9000
vrcOsc.Connect(8901); // Use custom remote port
vrcOsc.Connect("192.168.1.X", 9000); // Use custom IP from string and custom port
vrcOsc.Connect(IPAddress ipAddress, 9000); // Use custom IP from IPAddress class
using VRChatOSCLib;
internal class Program
static VRChatOSC osc = new VRChatOSC();
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Connect. Port number is optional
// Asyncn't
// Send to a specific address
osc.SendTo("/test/lib/float", 0.5f);
// Send to an avatar parameter
// This will automatically send it to the proper path
osc.SendParameter("GlassesToggle", true); // Boolean sent as "/avatar/parameters/GlassesToggle"
osc.SendParameter("GlassesColor", 0.5f); // Float sent as "/avatar/parameters/GlassesColor"
osc.SendParameter("UltimateAnswer", 42); // Integer sent as "/avatar/parameters/UltimateAnswer"
// Send supported inputs like buttons and Axes to VRChat
osc.SendInput(VRCButton.Jump, true); // Jump sent as "/input/Jump/" 1
osc.SendInput(VRCButton.Jump, false); // Jump sent as "/input/Jump/" 0
osc.SendInput(VRCAxes.Vertical, 0.42f); // Vertical Axes sent as "/input/Vertical/" 0.42f
// Send Chatbox Messages
osc.SendChatbox("Hello World"); // Sends the ASCII string to the Keyboard
osc.SendChatbox("Hello World", true); // Bypass keyboard and sends string to Chatbox
osc.SendChatbox(true); // Set typing indicator ON
osc.SendChatbox(false); // Set typing indicator OFF
// Async aka Awaitable methods
await osc.SendToAsync("/test/lib/async", true);
await osc.SendParameterAsync("AsyncRocks", true);
await osc.SendInputAsync(VRCButton.Run, true);
await osc.SendChatboxAsync("Hello World", true);
// Listen for incoming messages
osc.Listen(); // Listen on default port 9001
osc.Listen(9042); // Listen on custom port
osc.Listen(9001, 1024); // Use custom port and custom buffer length
// Subscribe to incoming messages
osc.OnMessage += OnMessageReceived;
Console.ReadKey(true); // :P
static void OnMessageReceived(object? source, VRCMessage message)
// Full address from message, example "/avatar/parameters/CatToggle"
string address = message.Address;
// Shortened path from the address, example "/avatar/parameters/"
string path = message.Path;
// True if this message is an avatar parameter of any kind
bool isParameter = message.IsParameter;
// Message type (Unknown|DefaultParameter|AvatarParameter|AvatarChange)
VRCMessage.MessageType messageType = message.Type;
// Retrieve the first value object contained in this message
object? value = message.GetValue(); // Can return default
float val = message.GetValue<float>(); // Alternative with generic type
val = message.GetValueAt<float>(0); // Get argument value by index
value = message[0]; // Same with indexer
// Print this message with fancy colors for debugging
- OscCore
- There's probably many libraries out there for VRC, also give them a try. This was originally a personal project for personal use, but I decided to share it.