TAPPD is a social media app focused on logging, rating, and sharing reviews of beers and breweries inspired by Untappd. Tappd can also be used to research new beers and breweries.
Checkout Tappd Live!
- Ruby 2.5.1
- Rails
- PostgreSQL
- React
- Redux
- JavaScript ES6
- Secure User Authorization using BCrypt hashing
- User auth errors are separated and displayed over the proper field
- Breweries are displayed in a list as links to a page displaying all their beers
- In order to pass errors to correct field, I parsed each error individually from the controller to be separated later into individual stylized errors.
In the future I would like to add:
- A from to create a new brewery, beer, and review
- A feed of the newest reviews and comments
- A like system so that you can like other users reviews
- The ability to search through breweries, beers, and users