All Orno packages are now deprecated! The decision was made to concentrate purely on the Dependency Injection Container and the Route package. They have been moved to The League of Extraordinary Packages under League\Container and League\Route.
If you would like to take on development of any of the other packages, please create an issue and we will discuss a possible transfer.
Orno\Config by @philipobenito
A package designed to DRY up the setting and retrieving of config items.
The simplest usage would be setting and retrieving config items.
$config = new Orno\Config\Repository;
// standard
$config->set('key', 'value');
$key = $config->get('key');
// set a default value to be used if the key does not exist
$anotherKey = $config->get('another-key', 'default value');
Orno\Config can parse PHP Array Config Files, YAML Config Files, INI Config Files, JSON Config Files and XML Config Files. When using a file loader, an optional parent key can be provided to store the contents of the config file.
return [
'database' => 'PDO',
'username' => 'username'
'password' => 'p4ssw0rd'
The above file could be parsed and accessed in the following way with a parent key provided.
// with parent key
$loader = new \Orno\Config\File\ArrayFileLoader('path/to/config/file.php', 'db');
$config = (new \Orno\Config\Repository)->addFileLoader($loader);
// now the config array is available in the config object
echo $config['db']['database']; // PDO
echo $config['db']['username']; // username
echo $config['db']['password']; // p4ssw0rd
database: PDO
username: username
password: p4ssw0rd
The above file could be parsed and accessed in the following way without a parent key as it is already provided in the config file.
// no parent key
$loader = new \Orno\Config\File\YamlFileLoader('path/to/config/file.yml');
$config = (new \Orno\Config\Repository)->addFileLoader($loader);
// now the config array is available in the config object
echo $config['db']['database']; // PDO
echo $config['db']['username']; // username
echo $config['db']['password']; // p4ssw0rd
db[database] = "PDO"
db[username] = "username"
db[password] = "p4ssw0rd"
To parse/access.
// no parent key
$loader = new \Orno\Config\File\IniFileLoader('path/to/config/file.ini');
$config = (new \Orno\Config\Repository)->addFileLoader($loader);
// now the config array is available in the config object
echo $config['db']['database']; // PDO
echo $config['db']['username']; // username
echo $config['db']['password']; // p4ssw0rd
database: "PDO",
username: "username",
password: "p4ssw0rd"
To parse/access.
// with parent key
$loader = new \Orno\Config\File\JsonFileLoader('path/to/config/file.json', 'db');
$config = (new \Orno\Config\Repository)->addFileLoader($loader);
// now the config array is available in the config object
echo $config['db']['database']; // PDO
echo $config['db']['username']; // username
echo $config['db']['password']; // p4ssw0rd
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
Not that the top level element in your XML file must be config
To parse/access.
// no parent key
$loader = new \Orno\Config\File\XmlFileLoader('path/to/config/file.xml');
$config = (new \Orno\Config\Repository)->addFileLoader($loader);
// now the config array is available in the config object
echo $config['db']['database']; // PDO
echo $config['db']['username']; // username
echo $config['db']['password']; // p4ssw0rd