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Separated wrapper from map processing functions.
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xxalpha committed Feb 17, 2016
1 parent 3082d31 commit 7883832
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Showing 2 changed files with 276 additions and 276 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions tools/mapmerge/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
import collections

maxx = 0
maxy = 0
key_length = 1

def merge_map(newfile, backupfile):
global key_length
global maxx
global maxy
key_length = 1
maxx = 1
maxy = 1

shitmap = parse_map(newfile)
shitDict = shitmap["dictionary"] #key to tile data dictionary
shitGrid = shitmap["grid"] #x,y coords to tiles (keys) dictionary (the map's layout)

originalmap = parse_map(backupfile)
originalDict = originalmap["dictionary"]
originalGrid = originalmap["grid"]

mergeGrid = dict() #final map layout
new_keys = dict() #mapping new keys to original keys
tempGrid = dict() #saving tiles with newly generated keys for later processing
temp_keys = dict() #mapping new keys to newly generated keys
unused_keys = list(originalDict.keys()) #list with all existing keys that aren't being used
originalDict_size = len(originalDict)

for y in range(1,maxy):
for x in range(1,maxx):
shitKey = shitGrid[x,y]

#if this key was seen before, add it to the pile immediately
if shitKey in new_keys:
mergeGrid[x,y] = new_keys[shitKey]
#if this key was seen before, add it to the pile immediately
if shitKey in temp_keys:
tempGrid[x,y] = temp_keys[shitKey]

shitData = shitDict[shitKey]
originalKey = originalGrid[x,y]
originalData = originalDict[originalKey]

#if new tile data at x,y is the same as original tile data at x,y, add to the pile
if set(shitData) == frozenset(originalData):
mergeGrid[x,y] = originalKey
new_keys[shitKey] = originalKey
#search for the new tile data in the original dictionary, if a key is found add it to the pile, else generate a new key
newKey = search_data(originalDict, shitData)
if newKey != None:
mergeGrid[x,y] = newKey
new_keys[shitKey] = newKey
newKey = generate_new_key(originalDict)
if newKey == "OVERFLOW": #if this happens, merging is impossible
print("ERROR: Key overflow detected.")
return 0
tempGrid[x,y] = newKey
temp_keys[shitKey] = newKey
originalDict[newKey] = shitData

#Recycle outdated keys with any new tile data, starting from the bottom of the dictionary
i = 0
while i < (len(originalDict) - originalDict_size):
last_key = next(reversed(originalDict))
recycled_key = last_key
if len(unused_keys) > 0:
recycled_key = unused_keys.pop()

for entry in tempGrid:
if tempGrid[entry] == last_key:
mergeGrid[entry] = recycled_key

originalDict[recycled_key] = originalDict[last_key]
if recycled_key != last_key:
originalDict.pop(last_key, None)
i += 1

write_dictionary(newfile, originalDict)
write_grid(newfile, mergeGrid)
return 1

def write_dictionary(filename, dictionary):
with open(filename, "w") as output:
for entry in dictionary:
output.write("\"{}\" = ({})\n".format(entry, ",".join(dictionary[entry])))

def write_grid(filename, grid):
with open(filename, "a") as output:
output.write("(1,1,1) = {\"\n")

for y in range(1, maxy):
for x in range(1, maxx):

def search_data(dictionary, data):
for entry in dictionary:
if len(dictionary[entry]) == len(data):
if set(dictionary[entry]) == frozenset(data):
return entry

def generate_new_key(dictionary):
last_key = next(reversed(dictionary))
return get_next_key(last_key)

def get_next_key(key):
if key == "":
return "".join("a" for _ in range(key_length))

length = len(key)
new_key = ""
carry = 1
for char in key[::-1]:
if carry <= 0:
new_key = new_key + char
if char == 'Z':
new_key = new_key + 'a'
carry += 1
length -= 1
if length <= 0:
return "OVERFLOW"
elif char == 'z':
new_key = new_key + 'A'
new_key = new_key + chr(ord(char) + 1)
if carry > 0:
carry -= 1
return new_key[::-1]

def parse_map(map_file): #supports only one z level per file
with open(map_file, "r") as map_input:
characters =

in_dictionary_block = True #the key = data part of the file
in_key_block = False #"aaa"
in_data_block = False # (/thing)"
after_data_block = False
parenthesis_counter = 0

in_grid_block = False #the map layout part of the file
global key_length
key_length = 1

curr_x = 0
curr_y = 0
global maxx
global maxy

dictionary = collections.OrderedDict()
grid = dict()

curr_key = ""
curr_data = ""

for c in characters:
if in_dictionary_block:

if c == "\n" or c == "\t" or c == "\r":

if after_data_block:
if c == "(":
in_dictionary_block = False
after_data_block = False
curr_key = ""
curr_data = ""
if not in_key_block and not in_data_block:
if c == "\"":
in_key_block = True
after_data_block = False
elif c == "(":
in_data_block = True

if in_key_block:
if c == "\"":
in_key_block = False
curr_key = curr_key + c

if in_data_block:
if c == ")":
if parenthesis_counter == 0:
in_data_block = False
after_data_block = True
dictionary[curr_key] = curr_data.split(",")
key_length = len(curr_key)
curr_key = ""
curr_data = ""
parenthesis_counter -= 1
if c == "(":
parenthesis_counter += 1
curr_data = curr_data + c

if not in_grid_block:
if c == "\"":
in_grid_block = True
if c == "\n":
curr_y += 1

if curr_x > maxx:
maxx = curr_x
curr_x = 1
if c == "\"":

curr_key = curr_key + c
if len(curr_key) == key_length:
grid[curr_x,curr_y] = curr_key
curr_key = ""
curr_x += 1

if curr_y > maxy:
maxy = curr_y

data = dict()
data["dictionary"] = dictionary
data["grid"] = grid
data["maxx"] = maxx
data["maxy"] = maxy
return data

def key_compare(keyA, keyB): #thanks byond for not respecting ascii
pos = 0
for a in keyA:
pos += 1
count = pos
for b in keyB:
if(count > 1):
count -= 1
if a.islower() and b.islower():
if(a < b):
return -1
if(a > b):
return 1
if a.islower() and b.isupper():
return -1
if a.isupper() and b.islower():
return 1
if a.isupper() and b.isupper():
if(a < b):
return -1
if(a > b):
return 1
return 0

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