This can be used for plotting the paths of creatures and NPCs for World of Warcraft private servers. There are two parts to this tool:
- World of Warcraft Addon: CoordinatesRecorder
- when in-game use /coordsmap hide and /coordsmap show
- Convert to SQL tool: WoWCoordsToSQLScript
Programming language(s):
WoW Addon: LUA and XML script
Convert to SQL tool: C#, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
IDE/Editors: Visual Studio 2013 and Notepad++
O/S: MS Windows 7
Plotting paths for creatures and NPCs in World of Warcraft can be a time consuming and very, very mundane experience, therefore I decided to create a tool to significantly improve the situation.
Now, with this tool, you can move freely along the path you wish to set out for the creature or NPC, clicking on a button as you go, in order to record the points of the path. Then once done, you just load it up into the SQL converter to create the script that can be used to update the relevant table for creature movement (e.g. MaNGOS: creature_movement).