ver. 0.0.1 made by Churitoring (Only Korean, Old Version Guide. But No problem in use)
- Create an osu beatmap with the song of your choice and configure the basic settings such as BPM.
- Open OBMC, Choose what you want to do.
- Create the pattern you desire by directly inputting it.
- After finishing everything, select all and copy. (Ctrl+A → Ctrl+C)
- Open osu Beatmap file. (NOT .osz) Location: AppData\Local\osu!\Songs\YOUR_BEATMAP_FOLDER\YOUR_BEATMAP_FILE.osu
- Paste Under '[HitObjects]'.
- Save and modify other settings such as timing, hitsounds, and other aspects in the osu! editor.
- ETC.
- NOT SUPPORT SLIDER(If osu mania, It is LONG NOTE.)
- When opening '.osu' files, you can use the default Windows program, which is Notepad.
- This program only supports Windows.
- You want Change HitSound, Change sound.mp3. But, The name(sound.mp3) should remain the same.