Hemisphere Suite 1.8
Hemisphere Suite 1.8 largely addresses feature requests and bug fixes. There are a few new goodies, the most significant of which is the addition of an internal clock for Hemisphere. The internal clock replaces the category search feature, which probably nobody will miss.
1.8 also improves Buchla support and adds support for the unique interface of the Northern Light Modular 2OC.
Hemisphere Suite 1.8 contains the following updates:
- Added an Internal Clock, which applies to all Hemisphere applets. This feature replaces the category search function (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/_Hemisphere-Basic-Instructions#5-internal-clock)
- Metronome: Updated to control the internal clock
- Added interface-level support for the Northern Light Modular 2OC
- Made updates to Buchla voltage and pulse scaling
- Made updates to Buchla offset for bi-polar Vector applets
- Re-introduced about sixty scales that were removed from Ornament and Crime 1.3.4 due to memory constraints
- Added AttenOff, a dual attenuator and offset applet (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki/AttenOff)
- Retired Bow Tie Sequential
- MIDI In: Added Clock output option
- Tuner: Fixed issue that prevented it from working when the module is flipped
- Tuner: Added frequency display, in Hz
- ShiftReg: Added bi-polar modulation of probability
- ShiftReg: Added CV selection of length
- ShiftReg: Added gated enable of probability when probability is locked
- Shuffle: Added CV modulation of shuffle percentage
- Slew: Added gated slew defeat feature
This release was a collaborative effort. Thanks to Michael Thomas for valuable help with the Buchla stuff, to Mdashdotdashn for the tuner display update and the associated math, Jon Wheeler for the nice Shift Register features, and for everybody who made bug reports and feature requests. I know I didn't get to everything, and memory space is a serious consideration now. Any bugs left over are solely my errors. If I missed anybody here, I apologize.
The Usual Disclaimer
Please note that this software is REPLACEMENT FIRMWARE for Ornament and Crime. All original Ornament and Crime apps will be removed, as will all data for these apps. Please see the Wiki (https://github.com/Chysn/O_C-HemisphereSuite/wiki) for a list of what you get instead. You'll also find installation instructions here.