First presented at Cisco Live! Las Vegas 2016 [BRKEWN-3000] (
This project uses debug command output from the AP command line to generate a near real-time graph of the client's RSSI & SNR from the AP's perspective.
- The ap_debug_Rcv.expect script should never be run against a production access point; The debug commands enabled by this script WILL degrade performance.
- ELK stack:
- [ElasticSearch] (
- [Logshash] (
- [Kibana] (
- Cisco AccessPoint
- Expect
- Extract source code files into a folder
- Edit ap_debug_Rcv.expect and replace ##AP_Username## and ##AP_Password## with your AP username and password, respectively
- Ensure SSH access is enabled on the access point from the WLC GUI
- Start the live feed to elasticsearch with the command
./ap_debug_Rcv.expect <AP IP Address> | logstash -f ap_debug_RCV_logstash-pipeline.conf
- From the Kibana GUI add a new line chart Visualization for a new search
- Create a Y-axis with Aggregation:Average Field:rssi Label:RSSI
- Create a Y-axis with Aggregation:Average Field:snr Label:SNR
- Set the X-axis to Aggregation:Date Histogram Field:@timestamp Interval:Second
- In the top right of the screen, set the time period to Relative: From: 5 minutes ago To: now
- Also in the top right, set the refresh period to every 5 seconds
- Enter the Last-6 of the Client MAC Address into the search field and start the search
- Observe!
This script was tested with:
- OS X El Capitan Ver. 10.11.5
- Expect v5.45
- Elasticsearch v2.3.3
- Logstash v2.3.3
- Kibana v4.5.1