This wiki is intended for the latest version (v7) of mindustry. This wiki is still under development.
A wiki for mindustry logic. Perhaps a good place for newbies to start.
This wiki is available in multiple languages.
Contents in this wiki:
- Logic Schematics
- Prints
- Variables
- Set
- Operation
- Control flow (jumping)
- Unit Bind
- Getlink
- Lookup
- Editing
In addition to this wiki, these resources can help you with questions regarding mindustry logic.
If you'd like to contribute additional information or perhaps see a possible improvement, feel free to submit a pull request.
Translation file hierarchy ("lang" follows mindustry bundles 2 letter format):
* (wiki contents)
* README_(lang).md
* (wiki contents)
- Add in-game images depicting the logic examples.
- Translate into more languages.
- Wiki Logo?