农民伯伯只需要给自己的庄稼叶子拍张照片,人工智能就能识别出农作物的病虫害种类,给出精准的防治建议,并构建大范围农作物病虫害数据采集与预防预警系统,精准预防治理农作物病虫害。 助力精准扶贫、乡村振兴、智慧农业的同济智慧:将论文写在祖国大地上,写入田间地头里。
A multi-sensor capture system for free viewpoint video.
Cinema-Style Camera Housing For Raspberry Pi 4 and HQ Camera
AVA RaspiCam: C++ API for using Raspberry camera with/without OpenCv
LiveScan3D is a system designed for real time 3D reconstruction using multiple Azure Kinect or Kinect v2 depth sensors simultaneously at real time speed.
LiveScan3D is a system designed for real time 3D reconstruction using multiple Kinect v2 depth sensors simultaneously at real time speed. //This fork tries to make LiveScan able to Mesh its pointcl…
A multi-thread tcp server base on Qt
Hackintosh - 黑苹果 Clover引导版 - 已转战OC,Clover不是最新的
A Minimal Driver for Velodyne HDL-32E/64E VLP-16 Lidars
Kinect Azure DK Grabber of PCL (Point Cloud Library).
Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
Kinect (v2) face retargeting experiment project (using Qt SDK)