This is a movie finder system that uses the React.js and Flask frameworks.
There are basically two parts you need to set up: frontend and backend.
For the frontend, you need to download node.js and yarn, then use yarn cli to install the React.js packages.
For the backend, you need to set up a new python virtual environment and install the packages in the requirements.txt file.
For the best performance demonstration, we recommend using Google Chrome as the test browser (Firefox of course also works)
Let's start it!
Download node.js and yarn:
We use node.js 16 version, just go to node.js website and download it.
After downloading, you need to install yarn. go to yarn website and follow the instructions.
Use yarn cli to install the React.js packages:
Now you can use yarn to install the React.js packages.
Since we already prepared the package.json file, you can use yarn command line in the terminal:
cd front-end yarn install yarn run build yarn start
go to the localhost and see in the browser:
After that, you can just type in url: http://localhost:3000 in the browser to the program.
Prepare python environment:
We use python version above 3.6 , just go to python website and download it.
After downloading, you need to install the packages in the requirements.txt file.
Install the packages:
for that, you can use pip command line in the terminal:
cd back-end pip3 install -r requirements.txt
we recommend using Anaconda python environment to install the packages (it's easy to manage and separate the env for different usage).
Run the program:
Now you can run the program by typing in the terminal: