An unofficial API to facilitate interaction with the Elgato Stream Deck
Requires the hid4java-0.5.0-modified jar in the libs folder or on the maven - it has been modified to include the latest hidapi which fixes Windows 10 support.
hid4java requires JNA 4.2.2 - gradle will download it automatically and there is an (untested) pom.xml which should do the same.
Examples are located in the example folder to show you how to write images, random colours, and how to listen for key presses.
Builds can be found here. It can also be obtained using this Maven repo: The modified hid4java is also in the maven repository here
I've only tested it on Windows - in theory it should work on Linux and Mac Os X due to the hid4java library, but this is completely untested. Let me know!
It is loosely based on the excellent StreamDeckSharp library - but ported to Java. Many thanks to Christian Wischenbart for that project :) Thanks to the JNA wrapping of the hidapi library
The best way to reach me is twitter - @Cloudhunter - but feel free to create an issue if you have a problem!