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JWTAspNetWebApi PublicForked from tjoudeh/JWTAspNetWebApi
Tutorial shows how to Issue JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Web API 2 and Owin middleware, then build list of Resource Servers relies on the Token Issuer Party (Authorization Server)
C# 1
Hei.Ocelot.ApiGateway PublicForked from gebiWangshushu/Hei.Ocelot.ApiGateway
A Ocelot Gateway common implement
C# 1
jquery-toastmessage-plugin PublicForked from techatspree/jquery-toastmessage-plugin
A JQuery plugin to 'toast' messages
NodeList.js PublicForked from eorroe/NodeList.js
NodeList.js - Use the Native DOM APIs as easily as jQuery
way.js PublicForked from gwendall/way.js
Simple, lightweight, persistent two-way databinding
- ai-form Public Forked from leooneone/ai-form
AiForm是一个开源的表单设计/解析器。基于对开源项目form-generator和扩展项目approvalFlow学习和复用,使用 vue3.x + CompositionAPI setup 语法糖 + typescript + vite + element plus 技术重构而成,适配手机、平板、pc ,希望减少工作量,帮助大家实现快速开发。
CnZhangC/ai-form’s past year of commit activity - sipsorcery Public Forked from sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET
CnZhangC/sipsorcery’s past year of commit activity - SunnyUI Public Forked from yhuse/SunnyUI
SunnyUI.Net, 基于.Net 4.0+、.Net 6 框架的 C# WinForm 开源控件库、工具类库、扩展类库、多页面开发框架。
CnZhangC/SunnyUI’s past year of commit activity - BoostNote-App Public Forked from BoostIO/BoostNote-App
Boost Note is a document driven project management tool that maximizes remote DevOps team velocity.
CnZhangC/BoostNote-App’s past year of commit activity - AntDeploy Public Forked from yuzd/AntDeploy
Tools to deploy applications to remote server(iis,windowsService,linuxService,docker) support netframwork and dotnetcore,support rollback and increment deploy
CnZhangC/AntDeploy’s past year of commit activity - YoShop Public Forked from Run2948/YoShop
萤火小程序商城,是一款新型便捷的电商小程序系统,为中小企业提供最佳的新零售解决方案。采用最新的.NET CORE MVC框架开发,执行效率、扩展性、稳定性值得信赖。
CnZhangC/YoShop’s past year of commit activity - regular-investing-in-box Public Forked from xiaolai/regular-investing-in-box
定投改变命运 —— 让时间陪你慢慢变富 https://onregularinvesting.com
CnZhangC/regular-investing-in-box’s past year of commit activity
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