This is an annotation tool for CoBaLD Annotation Project. It allows to edit annotations in CoBaLD format.
- Editing morphosyntactic information;
- Adding or removing tokens (normally aimed at ellipsis restoration);
- Annotation of semantic slots (SS) and semantic classes (SC);
- The program doesn't allow to save incorrect SS or SC;
- index and wordform information can be viewed but not edited directly;
- misc information is hidden;
- The program stores comments and 'checked' marks for each sentence in a project;
- One can share .cobald projects by sending them to whomever;
- A ready CONLL-U file can be exported at any time;
- Automatic translations of sentence text are available.
pip install pyqt5 googletrans==3.1.0a0
PyQT5 is used for the GUI itself and googletrans is used for getting translations directly from Google Translate.
A compiled .exe version can be downloaded here. A MacOS version can be compiled on request.