Most advanced key-value database written in Go, extremely fast, compatible with LSM tree and B+ tree.
Technical Analysis Indicators - Pandas TA is an easy to use Python 3 Pandas Extension with 150+ Indicators
ZMQ binding for the MQL language (both 32bit MT4 and 64bit MT5)
Jupyter notebooks for using & learning Keras
Trading and Backtesting environment for training reinforcement learning agent or simple rule base algo.
台灣股市股票價格擷取 (含即時股票資訊) - Taiwan Stock Opendata with realtime
台灣股票即時爬蟲。Taiwan Stock Exchange Real Time Crawler
Forecasting the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index using Neural Networks
Machine Learning in Ruby implemented Delta Learning method.
Neural network (ニューラルネットワーク) on Machine Learning (マシンラーニング).
一種丟棄 Google Maps API 手冊的概念!輕鬆在網頁建立 Google 地圖的 jQuery Plugin
中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
It's an App like basic InstaWeather to take a picture and choose a template to share to facebook.
ImagePickerController with live filters, radial blur and more. Brought to you by Backspaces.
Creating Local Notifications on iOS 4