Snapshot installation May 5
(Before installing a snapshot, we recommend that you save important files)
Open your terminal next command:
Download archive backup (average time 40-60 minutes)
Stop nodes and reset database
systemctl stop defund && defundd tendermint unsafe-reset-all
Move arhive backup to directory .defund
mv data_05052022.tar $HOME/.defund/
Open .defund directory
cd $HOME/.defund/
Unarchive archive backup
tar xfv data_05052022.tar
Download addrbook.json and move to directory .defund/config/
wget && mv addrbook.json $HOME/.defund/config/
Start node and show logs
sudo systemctl start defund && sudo journalctl -u defund.service -f -o cat
Open .defund directory and remove archive backup (free storage)
cd $HOME/.defund && rm -rf data_05052022.tar
If you have any questions write to Discord: icodragon#4560