A framework that use one line of code to solve hex or decimal multifarious data transformation problem when a UDP or TCP communications.
UDP指令里面包含通信的地址,设备Id,发送的数据等具体指令协议解读,以及16进制、10进制、NSData等之间的转换,请查看Demo,或者参阅 我的博客
- CocoaPods:pod 'LSUDPDataDetail'
- 手动导入:将LSUDPDataDetail文件夹拽入项目中,导入头文件:#import "LSUDPDataDetail.h"
- (void)sendCombustibleGasCommand
//Node address of the smart devices and sensors is not binding, if a sensor node chassis changed, then the sensor's address has changed
NSString *addressHexStr = @"333333333333333303d0";
NSData *addressData = [LSUDPDataDetail commandByteDataFromHexString:addressHexStr];
[self combustibleGasCommandData:addressData];
//The data of nodes will coming here , if u want to control node (smart home/sensor), u need to get the address of the node (device).This address is get from here.And sensor data is also get from here.
- (void)udpSocket:(GCDAsyncUdpSocket *)sock didReceiveData:(NSData *)data
fromAddress:(NSData *)address
withFilterContext:(nullable id)filterContext
//Selection of sensors, when the equipment send collectd data / 设备发送来采集的数据时,对传感器的甄选
NSString *commandHexStr = [LSUDPDataDetail getHexStringFromData:data withRange:NSMakeRange(2, 6)];
if ([commandHexStr isEqualToString:@"545243"]) {//TRC :The command header / 命令头
NSLog(@"dataHexStr = %@",dataHexStr);
iOS7及以上系统可使用. ARC环境.
If you find a bug, please create a issue.
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More infomation please view demo.
欢迎给我提pull requests。