A Spigot plugin that connects Discord bot with Minecraft server
- Chat between Discord and Minecraft
- Reply Discord message from Minecraft
- Broadcast death message + death count
- Broadcast advancement message
- Execute Minecraft command from Discord channel
- Get server ip by command in Discord channel
- Display playercount on activity status
- Chat in Minecraft, and your message will be sent to Discord
- If you want to reply to a message, just click on it
- In Discord Channel, you can type
to get the server IP-list
to get online players
- Setup the plugin by the installation below
- type any commands in the console channel to execute it in Minecraft server
Go to OAuth2/URL Generator tab and check SCOPES/bot and BOT PERMISSIONS/Administrator and copy the url
Paste the url in your browser and add the bot to your server
- Go in to your minecraft server
- Use
/discord token <token>
put in the token you just copied - Go to your Discord Server and right click the channel you want to connect and copy the id (If you don't see copy id in your menu, go to User Settings/Advanced and turn on Developer Mode)
- Go back to the Minecraft server and use
/discord channel chat set <id>
- Beside chat channel,you can also set other channels by using
/discord channel <channel> set <id>
- available channels are:
:use for chat between Minecraft and Discorddeath
:use for broadcast death messageachievement
:use for broadcast advancementconsole
:use for execute minecraft command from discordall
:set all the channels
- If you want to clear any channel, just use
/discord channel <channel> clear
/reply <messageid> <text>
-- reply to the message/mention <userid> (<text>)
-- mention a user
/discord token <token>
-- set the bot's token/discord channel <channel> <method> (<id>)
-- set the Discord channel connected to the bot/discord activitytext <text>
-- set the text you want to display on the bot's activity status/discord deathcounttext <text>
-- set the DeathCount display text that shows when a player died
-- get Minecraft server's public ip-list
-- get online players