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Modularize and move hal2assemblyHub to assemblyHub directory
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ngannguyen committed Oct 2, 2013
1 parent bd449b5 commit 244fe86
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,113 additions and 917 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# order is important, libraries first
modules = api stats randgen validate mutations fasta alignability lod chain liftover maf extract analysis phyloP
modules = api stats randgen validate mutations fasta alignability lod chain liftover maf extract analysis phyloP assemblyHub

.PHONY: all %.all clean %.clean doxy %.doxy

Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions assemblyHub/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
rootPath = ../
include ../

all: ${binPath}/

rm -f ${binPath}/

${binPath}/ :
cp ${binPath}/
chmod +x ${binPath}/
Empty file added assemblyHub/
Empty file.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions assemblyHub/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

#Copyright (C) 2013 by Ngan Nguyen
#Released under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt

"""Creating Alignability track for the hubs
import os
from sonLib.bioio import system
from import Target

class GetAlignability( Target ):
def __init__(self, genomedir, genome, halfile):
self.genomedir = genomedir
self.genome = genome
self.halfile = halfile

def run(self):
outfile = os.path.join(self.genomedir, "" %self.genome)
tempwig = os.path.join(self.genomedir, "%s.alignability.wig" %self.genome)
system("halAlignability %s %s > %s" %(self.halfile, self.genome, tempwig))
chrsizefile = os.path.join(self.genomedir, "chrom.sizes")
system("wigToBigWig %s %s %s" %(tempwig, chrsizefile, outfile))
system("rm -f %s" %tempwig)

def writeTrackDb_alignability(f, genome, genomeCount):
f.write("track alignability\n")
f.write("longLabel Alignability\n")
f.write("shortLabel Alignability\n")
f.write("type bigWig 0 %d\n" %genomeCount)
f.write("group map\n")
f.write("visibility dense\n")
f.write("windowingFunction Mean\n")
f.write("bigDataUrl\n" %genome)

f.write("priority 2\n")
f.write("autoScale Off\n")
f.write("maxHeightPixels 128:36:16\n")
f.write("graphTypeDefault Bar\n")
f.write("gridDefault OFF\n")
f.write("color 0,0,0\n")
f.write("altColor 128,128,128\n")
f.write("viewLimits 0:%d\n" %genomeCount)

def addAlignabilityOptions(parser):
from optparse import OptionGroup
#group = OptionGroup(parser, "ALIGNABILITY", "Alignability: the number of genomes aligned to each position.")
group = OptionGroup(parser, "ALIGNABILITY")
group.add_option('--alignability', dest='alignability', action='store_true', default=False, help='If specified, make Alignability tracks. Default=%default')

257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions assemblyHub/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

#Copyright (C) 2013 by Ngan Nguyen
#Released under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt

"""Creating bed tracks and lifted-over bed tracks for the hubs
import os, re, time
from sonLib.bioio import system
from import Target
from optparse import OptionGroup

class LiftoverBedFiles( Target ):
def __init__(self, indir, halfile, genome2seq2len, bigbeddir, noLiftover, outdir):
self.indir = indir
self.halfile = halfile
self.genome2seq2len = genome2seq2len
self.bigbeddir = bigbeddir
self.noLiftover = noLiftover
self.outdir = outdir

def run(self):
#beddir has the hierachy: indir/genome/chr1.bed, chr2.bed...
#for each genome in beddir, lifeover the bed records of that genome to the coordinate of all other genomes

#liftover bed file of each genome with available beds to all genomes
genomes = self.genome2seq2len.keys()
tempbeds = []

for genome in os.listdir(self.indir):
if genome not in genomes:
genomeindir = os.path.join(self.indir, genome)
assert os.path.isdir(genomeindir)

#Create bed directory for current genome
genomeoutdir = os.path.join(self.bigbeddir, genome)
system("mkdir -p %s" %genomeoutdir)

#get all the bed files (".bed" ext) and as files if available (".as" ext)
bedfiles, asfile, extrafields, numfield = readBedDir(genomeindir)

#Copy as file to bigbed dir:
if asfile:
system("cp %s %s" %(asfile, os.path.join(genomeoutdir, "" %genome)))
elif numfield > 12: #does not have .as file, and have more than 12 fields, just treat as 12 fields
numfield = 12

#Concatenate all the input bed files and convert it into bigbed to outdir/genome/
tempbed = "%s-temp.bed" % os.path.join(genomeoutdir, genome)
system( "cat %s/*bed | cut -f-%d > %s" %(genomeindir, numfield, tempbed) )
system( "bedSort %s %s" % (tempbed, tempbed) )

outbigbed = os.path.join(genomeoutdir, "" %genome)
chrsizefile = os.path.join(self.outdir, genome, "chrom.sizes")
if not asfile:
system( "bedToBigBed -type=bed%d -extraIndex=name %s %s %s" %(numfield, tempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed) )
numextra = len(extrafields)
if numextra > 0:
type="bed%d+%d" %(numfield - numextra, numextra)
extraIndex = "name,%s" % ",".join(extrafields)
type="bed%d" %numfield
extraIndex = "name"
system( "bedToBigBed -as=%s -type=%s -extraIndex=%s %s %s %s" %(asfile, type, extraIndex, tempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed) )

#Liftover to all other genomes:
if not self.noLiftover:
for othergenome in genomes:
if othergenome == genome:
self.addChildTarget( LiftoverBed(genomeoutdir, tempbed, asfile, extrafields, numfield, genome, othergenome, self.halfile, self.outdir) )
tempbeds.append( tempbed )
self.setFollowOnTarget( CleanupLiftoverBedFiles(tempbeds) )

class CleanupLiftoverBedFiles(Target):
def __init__(self, files):
self.files = files

def run(self):
if len(self.files) > 0:
system( "rm %s" % " ".join(self.files) ) #cleanup

class LiftoverBed( Target ):
def __init__(self, genomeoutdir, bed, asfile, extrafields, numfield, genome, othergenome, halfile, outdir):
self.genomeoutdir = genomeoutdir
self.bed = bed
self.asfile = asfile
self.extrafields = extrafields
self.numfield = numfield
self.genome = genome
self.othergenome = othergenome
self.halfile = halfile
self.outdir = outdir

def run(self):
liftovertempbed = "%s.bed" % os.path.join(self.genomeoutdir, self.othergenome)
if len(self.extrafields) > 0:
system("halLiftover %s %s %s %s %s --keepExtra" %(self.halfile, self.genome, self.bed, self.othergenome, liftovertempbed))
system("halLiftover %s %s %s %s %s" %(self.halfile, self.genome, self.bed, self.othergenome, liftovertempbed))

system("bedSort %s %s" %(liftovertempbed, liftovertempbed))
outbigbed = os.path.join(self.genomeoutdir, "" %self.othergenome)
chrsizefile = os.path.join(self.outdir, self.othergenome, "chrom.sizes")
if os.stat(liftovertempbed).st_size > 0:#make sure the file is not empty
if not self.asfile:
#system("bedToBigBed %s %s %s" %(liftovertempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed))
system("bedToBigBed -extraIndex=name %s %s %s" %(liftovertempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed))
##system( "bedToBigBed -type=bed%d -extraIndex=name %s %s %s" %(numfield, tempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed) )
numextra = len(self.extrafields)
if numextra > 0:
type="bed%d+%d" %(self.numfield - numextra, numextra)
extraIndex = "name,%s" % ",".join(self.extrafields)
type="bed%d" %self.numfield
extraIndex = "name"
#system( "bedToBigBed -as=%s -type=%s %s %s %s" %(self.asfile, type, liftovertempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed) )
system( "bedToBigBed -as=%s -type=%s -extraIndex=%s %s %s %s" %(self.asfile, type, extraIndex, liftovertempbed, chrsizefile, outbigbed) )

system("rm %s" % liftovertempbed)

def writeTrackDb_bigbeds(f, bigbeddir, genomes, currgenome, properName):
annotation = os.path.basename(bigbeddir)
genome2priority = {}
for i, genome in enumerate(genomes):
if genome == currgenome:
genome2priority[genome] = 1
genome2priority[genome] = i + 2

for genome in os.listdir(bigbeddir):
bbfile = os.path.join(bigbeddir, genome, "" %currgenome)
if not os.path.exists(bbfile):
#see if there is an as file:
searchIndexStr = "name"
asfile = os.path.join(bigbeddir, genome, "" %genome)
if os.path.exists(asfile):
extrafields, numfield = getBedExtraFieldsFromAsFile(asfile)
fields = "%d" %numfield
if len(extrafields) > 0:
fields = "%d +" %(numfield - len(extrafields))
searchIndexStr += ",%s" %(",".join(extrafields))
fields += " ."
numfield = getBedNumField(bbfile)
fields = "%d ." %numfield
#start writing track
genomeProperName = genome
if genome in properName:
genomeProperName = properName[genome]
priority = 1
if genome in genome2priority:
priority = genome2priority[genome]

f.write("track %s%s\n" % (annotation, genome))
if genome == currgenome:
f.write("longLabel %s %s\n" % (genomeProperName, annotation))
f.write("longLabel %s Lifted-over %s\n" % (genomeProperName, annotation))
f.write("priority %d\n" %priority)
f.write("shortLabel %s%s\n" % (genomeProperName, annotation))
f.write("bigDataUrl ../liftoverbeds/%s\n" % os.path.join( annotation, genome, "" % currgenome ) )
f.write("type bigBed %s\n" %fields)
f.write("group annotation%s\n" %annotation)
if numfield >=4:
#if numfield >=4 and genome == currgenome: #DEBUG
f.write("searchIndex %s\n" %searchIndexStr)
#if not'gene', annotation): #HACK
f.write("itemRgb On\n")
if genome == currgenome or not'Gene', annotation): #HACK
f.write("visibility dense\n")
f.write("visibility hide\n")

def readBedDir(indir):
#Get all the bed files in "indir", as well as the accompanying ".as" files if present
bedfiles = []
asfile = None
extrafields = []
numfield = 0
allfiles = os.listdir(indir)

for f in allfiles:
ext = os.path.splitext(f)[-1]
if ext == ".bed":
if os.stat(os.path.join(indir, f)).st_size > 0:#make sure the file is not empty
elif ext == ".as":
asfile = os.path.join(indir, f)

#Check to make sure asfile and bedfiles have the same number of fields:
if asfile:
extrafields, numfield = getBedExtraFieldsFromAsFile(asfile)
elif len(bedfiles) > 0:
numfield = getFileColumnCount(os.path.join(indir, bedfiles[0]))

for b in bedfiles:
bedfile = os.path.join(indir, b)
assert getFileColumnCount(bedfile) == numfield

return bedfiles, asfile, extrafields, numfield

def getFileColumnCount(file):
f = open(file, 'r')
firstline = f.readline()
items = firstline.split()
return len(items)

def getBedNumField(bbfile):
tempbed = "%s-TEMP-%s" %(bbfile, time.time())
system("bigBedToBed %s %s" %(bbfile, tempbed))
numfield = getFileColumnCount(tempbed)
system("rm %s" %tempbed)
return numfield

def getBedExtraFieldsFromAsFile(asfile):
numfield = 0
fields = []
standardFields = ['chrom', 'chromStart', 'chromEnd', 'name', 'score', 'strand', 'thickStart', 'thickEnd', 'reserved', 'blockCount', 'blockSizes', 'chromStarts'] #standard fields of a bed entry

f = open(asfile, 'r')
begin = False
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if"^\(", line):
begin = True
line = line.lstrip("(")
if len(line) == 0 or not begin or"\)", line):
items = line.split('\t')
assert len(items) >= 2
field = items[1].rstrip(';')
numfield += 1
if field not in standardFields:
return fields, numfield

def addBedOptions(parser):
group = OptionGroup(parser, "BED-FORMATTED ANNOTATIONS", "All annotations in bed or bigbed formats.")
group.add_option('--bedDirs', dest='beddirs', help='comma separated list of directories containing bed files of the input genomes. Each directory represents a type of annotation. The annotations of each genome will then be liftovered to all other genomes in the MSA. Example: "genes,genomicIsland,tRNA". Format of each directory: bedDir/ then genome1/ then chr1.bed, chr2.bed... Default=%default' )
group.add_option('--finalBigBedDirs', dest='bbdirs', help='comma separated list of directories containing final big bed files to be displayed. No liftover will be done for these files. Each directory represents a type of annotation. Example: "genes,genomicIsland,tRNA". Format of each directory: bbDir/ then queryGenome/ then, ... (so annotation of queryGenome has been mapped to targetGenomes and will be display on the targetGenome browsers). Default=%default' )
group.add_option('--noBedLiftover', dest='noBedLiftover', action='store_true', default=False, help='If specified, will not lift over the bed annotations. Default=%default')


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