Bolt Extension to upload multiple Files (Images) with meta-informations. This extension uses a configured contenttype for your images and created/updates these objects and stors a list of ids as a json string in the field.
You have to click on the "Update" Button inside the field to update the changed images. Only saving the page containing the field will not update the images themselfes but only the links to them!
Note: the field only stores je ids as a json string. Your template needs to parse the string and fetch the images itself. See sample below.
Add a contenttype for your image objects similar to the one shown here (within contenttype.yml
name: Images
singular_name: Image
fields: #add the fields you need in your content type (metainformations)
title: #mandatory
label: Name
type: text
type: text
label: Autor
type: text
image: #mandatory
type: image
Add the following field to the contenttype where you want to add the images to. E.g. in pages:
name: Pages
singular_name: Page
type: imageupload
contenttype: images #must be the same name as the new defined contenttype above
Within your twig template, you may access the content type field which comes in form of an JSON string. There is a custom twig filter, which converts the JSON string into an array. Here is an example, how to fetch the content elements within a twig template:
{% set images = record.imageupload|json_decode %}
{% for image in images.content %}
{% setcontent currentElement = image %}
{{ dump(currentElement) }}
{% endfor %}