Update: Thanks for all the downloads and hope v-debounce is useful in your project(s)! An update to v-debounce is coming™
Debounce directive for Vue2 to debounce input typing. Forked originally from https://github.com/vuejs-tips/v-debounce Updated to include support for IE.
Add an input in your template that uses the directive. For example a search field like this:
<input v-model.lazy="term" v-debounce="delay" placeholder="Search for something" />
In your script section, customize delay and keep track of when term changes, which in this case is 1 second after input has stopped.
export default {
name: 'example',
data () {
return {
delay: 1000,
term: '',
watch: {
term () {
// Do something with search term after it debounced
console.log(`Search term changed to ${this.term}`)
directives: {
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