A simple Java chat server and client with swing GUI with a MySQL database back-end.
In order to get the source code either download the compressed package or make sure you have [Git][git] installed and execute the following:
git clone https://github.com/CoryG89/JavaChat
cd JavaChat
JavaChat was developed in Eclipse, NetBeans was also using to create the swing GUI for the client. You should be able to open the project in Eclipse to run both the server and the client.
If you'd rather build JavaChat on the command line you may do so by using make
You can also build the server and client seperately and clean the project as well.
make server
make client
make clean
You can also use the javac compiler:
mkdir -p bin
javac src/chatserver/*.java -d bin
javac src/chatclient/*.java -d bin
JavaChat depends on a MySQL back-end, you need to set up the database by
executing the chatdb.sql
script on your mysql server. The DBManager class
reads the database authentication details from a data file. A sample data file
is included as dbauth.dat.sample
simply remove the sample extension and edit
the data file by replacing the first and second line with your username and
password respectively.
In order to run the JavaChat server enter the following:
java -cp "bin;mysql-connector.jar" chatserver/Server
In order to run an instance of the JavaChat client enter the following
java -cp "bin" chatclient/ChatFrame