SFR is an open source mod for SFD. It adds new content and tweaks existing mechanics for a better game experience.
We patch and add game code through reflection and HarmonyLib in order to add new content. We also edit .sfdx
and other configuration files.
Yes, we do. However read the license for some clarification.
Yes. Everyone with intermediate coding knowledge can create his own mods or even contribute to the main branch.
You're advised to change SFR version in your own mods, to avoid conflicts with other servers.
You can download this mod here.
Extract the downloaded archive in your Superfighters Deluxe
folder (if you have a previous SFR installation, make sure to delete that).
Open steam and change Superfighters Deluxe
launch options to cmd /k "%command%\..\SFR.exe"
For developing your own mods, follow the contribute guide.