A dark beautiful Neovim theme written in Lua. [Coming soon] extra themes for Kitty and Alacritty
- Inspired by sainnhe's gruvbox-material but written in lua
- A fork of onedark.nvim
- supports the latest Neovim 0.5 features like TreeSitter and LSP
- minimal inactive statusline (currently bugged)
- vim terminal colors
- darker background for sidebar-like windows
- lualine theme
- TreeSitter
- LSP Diagnostics
- LSP Trouble
- LSP Saga
- Git Signs
- Git Gutter
- Telescope
- NvimTree
- WhichKey
- Indent Blankline
- Dashboard
- BufferLine
- Lualine
- Lightline
- Neogit
- Hop
- Bat follow this tutorial the .thTheme file is located in extras
- Delta
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
Install the theme with your preferred package manager:
Plug 'eddyekofo94/gruvbox-flat.nvim'
use 'eddyekofo94/gruvbox-flat.nvim'
Enable the colorscheme:
" Vim Script
colorscheme gruvbox-flat
-- Lua
vim.cmd[[colorscheme gruvbox-flat]]
To enable the gruvbox
theme for Lualine
, simply specify it in your lualine settings:
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
theme = 'gruvbox-flat'
-- ... your lualine config
To enable the gruvbox-flat
colorscheme for Lightline
" Vim Script
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'gruvbox-flat'}
To enable darker mode
vim.g.gruvbox_flat_style = "dark"
To enable harder mode
vim.g.gruvbox_flat_style = "hard"
❗️ configuration needs to be set BEFORE loading the color scheme with
colorscheme gruvbox-flat
Option | Default | Description |
gruvbox_terminal_colors | true |
Configure the colors used when opening a :terminal in Neovim |
gruvbox_italic_comments | true |
Make comments italic |
gruvbox_italic_keywords | true |
Make keywords italic |
gruvbox_italic_functions | false |
Make functions italic |
gruvbox_italic_variables | false |
Make variables and identifiers italic |
gruvbox_transparent | false |
Enable this to disable setting the background color |
gruvbox_hide_inactive_statusline | false |
Enabling this option, will hide inactive statuslines and replace them with a thin border instead. Should work with the standard StatusLine and LuaLine. |
gruvbox_sidebars | {} |
Set a darker background on sidebar-like windows. For example: ["qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"] |
gruvbox_dark_sidebar | true |
Sidebar like windows like NvimTree get a darker background |
gruvbox_dark_float | true |
Float windows like the lsp diagnostics windows get a darker background. |
gruvbox_colors | {} |
You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color |
gruvbox_theme | {} |
You can override specific highlight groups to use other color groups or a hex color |
-- Example config in Lua
vim.g.gruvbox_italic_functions = true
vim.g.gruvbox_sidebars = { "qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer" }
-- Change the "hint" color to the "orange" color, and make the "error" color bright red
vim.g.gruvbox_colors = { hint = "orange", error = "#ff0000" }
-- Change the TabLineSel highlight group (used by barbar.nvim) to the "orange" color
vim.g.gruvbox_theme = { TabLineSel = { bg = "orange" } }
-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd[[colorscheme gruvbox-flat]]
" Example config in VimScript
let g:gruvbox_italic_functions = 1
let g:gruvbox_sidebars = [ "qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer" ]
" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme gruvbox-flat
To have undercurls show up and in color, add the following to your Tmux config file:
# Undercurl
set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Smulx=\E[4::%p1%dm' # undercurl support
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Setulc=\E[58::2::%p1%{65536}%/%d::%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d::%p1%{255}%&%d%;m' # underscore colours - needs tmux-3.0
Extra color configs for Kitty, and Alacritty can be found in extras. To use them, refer to their respective documentation.
- To generate the configs
:luafile /lua/gruvbox/extra/init.lua
- Generate theme for Kitty
- Generate theme for Alacritty
- Add light theme (hopefully one of these days)
- Add hard/darker theme (still has some more improvements to go)