Before using this cheat sheet:
- Learn the following about Gherkin:
- Feature, Scenario
- Given, When, Then
- Scenario Outline, Examples
- Tags
- Comments
- For people without any Python experience, learn basic syntax of Python such as:
- indentation
- commenting
- declarition of variables and functions
- Read through the official document: pytest-bdd.pdf .
1. Install python environment
2. Install pip
- Download
- Run following command:
- Upgrade pip
pip install -U pip
3. Instal pytest
pip install -U pytest
4. Install pytest-bdd
pip install pytest-bdd
5. Install selenium
pip install selenium
- chromedriver
- fireboxdriver
- etc.
# This is a comment
@aTag @anotherTag @etc...
Feature: some description ...
Scenario: some description ...
Given ...
When ...
Then ...
And ...
Feature: Check the page title
Scenario Outline: Check page title for XX page
Given I am on the zoo website
When I navigate to <xx_link>
Then I check page title is "<xx>"
And I close the browser
|xx_link |xx |
|adoption_link |Adoption |
|about_link |About |
|contact_link |Contact |
- Vertical example table
Scenario Outline: Outlined given, when, thens
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers
Examples: Vertical
| start | 12 | 2 |
| eat | 5 | 1 |
| left | 7 | 1 |
- A test file and its corresponding feature file MUST stay in the same dirctory
- The name of a test file MUST be in the form of test_*.py or *
- According to the previous sentence, And statement will be autometically modified to given, when, or then statement in the test file. • Create fully functional but of course empty tests and step definitions for given a feature file.
pytest-bdd generate someFeature.feature
• Redirect the generated code to a test file.
pytest-bdd generate pageTitle.feature >
• Advanced code generation
py.test --generate-missing --feature features tests/functional
from pytest_bdd import (given, scenario, then, when)
import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
Allow the browser automaticlly run before executing tests and quit after all the tests finished.
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
def setup(request):
global driver
driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/yuxuan.zhao/chromedriver")
def fin():
- Step aliases
@given('I am on the zoo website')
@given('I am on the homepage of zoo website')
def i_am_on_the_zoo_website():
"""I am on the zoo website."""
- Step arguments
@when('I navigate to <xx_link>')
def i_navigate_to_xx_link(xx_link):
"""I navigate to <xx_link>."""
- Driver usage
- Navigate to a page given by the URL
- An assertion to confirm that title has “Python” word in it
assert "Python" in driver.title
- Find an element
elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
# find_element_by_id
# find_element_by_name
# find_element_by_link_text
# find_element_by_partial_link_text
# etc..
- Clear filds
- Send keys
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
See more information in the official document: selenium-python.pdf
- Run all the tests
- Run a specified file
- Run tests with sepcific tags
pytest -k "Tag1 and Tag2 and Tag3"
- Run tests without a certain tag
pytest -k "not Tag1"
To have an output in json format:
py.test --cucumberjson=<path to json report>