two-heroes-fight-simulation Public
Repository contains battle simulation implemented with SOLID principles, Design Patterns and Unit Tests
cart-product-api Public
Overengineered application with products and carts. Operations available via REST API, API errors handled via Symfony kernel.exception, storage PostgreSQL, orm is Doctrine, framework is Symfony, Co…
ddd-in-php Public
My personal notes, conclusions, questions and thoughts that came up when studying "Domain-Driven Design In PHP" by Buenosivinos, Soronellas, Akbary
Shop Public
Overengineered application with products and carts. Operations available via REST API, storage PostgreSQL, orm is Doctrine, framework is Symfony, Commandbus is tactician
docker-php-cli-xdebug Public
Provides basic php-cli docker image with installed Composer and configured xDebug along with PHPStorm IDE configuration manual. Use it as starting point to your custom PHP application based on what…