pmpbelt is a python SDK for working with the PMP. It uses and is heavily influenced by Requests. And Batman.
Requests for python is required.
pip install requests
uritemplate is also required for URI Templating.
pip install uritemplate
An OAuth2 client is also required. A mature, OAuth2 conformant client like rauth is recommended. For simplicity, we've included simple_auth
, a very simple client.
You will need PMP credentials and a working knowledge of the PMP. Read the Getting Started guide. You will need user/pw to generate client_id
and client_secret
before you can begin.
First, do your imports, create an auth object, and retrieve the PMP home document (BAM!)
import pmpbelt
from simple_auth import AuthClient
client_id = "< REDACTED >"
client_secret = "< REDACTED >"
# PMP sandbox URL
my_uri = ""
# build an auth object
authtoken = AuthClient( my_uri, client_id, client_secret).get_token()
# perform a GET on the PMP API.
home_doc = pmpbelt.get(my_uri, authtoken)
You've retrieved the home document as a Collection.doc+JSON object. Let's see what else we have in there:
print home_doc.urns
Prints out your URNs and Query Titles in key/value pairs (POW!):
[{u'urn:pmp:query:users': u'Query for users'},
{u'urn:pmp:query:groups': u'Query for groups'},
{u'urn:pmp:hreftpl:profiles': u'Access profiles'},
{u'urn:pmp:hreftpl:schemas': u'Access schemas'},
{u'urn:pmp:hreftpl:docs': u'Access documents'},
{u'urn:pmp:query:docs': u'Query for documents'},
{u'urn:pmp:query:guids': u'Generate guids'},
{u'urn:pmp:query:files': u'Upload media files'}]
( You can also access all links available in a document. SMACK! )
home_doc.links # all link relations
home_doc.items # item links, if available
home_doc.querylinks # query links
home_doc.editlinks # edit links, if available
home_doc.navlinks # navigation links
Let's choose the query for Query for Documents. Let's set its URN in a variable and see the options for that URN:
urn = 'urn:pmp:query:docs'
print home_doc.options(urn)
We see all query options for the given URN:
{u'author': u'',
u'collection': u'',
u'distributor': u'',
u'distributorgroup': u'',
u'enddate': u'',
u'has': u'',
u'language': u'',
u'limit': u'',
u'offset': u'',
u'profile': u'',
u'searchsort': u'',
u'startdate': u'',
u'tag': u'',
u'text': u''}
The links correspond to human readable documentation.
We also need to grab the URI template for our URN. We do that with the .template
new_uri = my_doc.template(urn)
Print new_uri
to see what the template looks like. You can see all our query options listed.{?limit,offset,tag,collection,text,searchsort,has,author,distributor,distributorgroup,startdate,enddate,profile,language}
Choose a few options and save them in a dict.
# all documents tagged 'samplecontent', filtered by profile 'story'
params = {'tag': 'samplecontent', 'profile': 'story'}
Finally, let's call pmpbelt.get
again to query for 'story' documents tagged 'samplecontent'. This time, we pass our params into the method call. (KAPLOOEY!!)
new_doc = pmpbelt.get(new_uri, authtoken, params)
This project is open and seeking contributors who are working directly with the PMP. Fork and send a pull request.
That's all for now. Tune in next time. Same Bat time. Same Bat channel.