An arbitrary face-swapping framework on images and videos with one single trained model!
novel 是一套基于时下最新 Java 技术栈 Spring Boot 3 + Vue 3 开发的前后端分离学习型小说项目,配备保姆级教程手把手教你从零开始开发上线一套生产级别的 Java 系统,由小说门户系统、作家后台管理系统、平台后台管理系统等多个子系统构成。包括小说推荐、作品检索、小说排行榜、小说阅读、小说评论、会员中心、作家专区、充值订阅、新闻发布等功能。
novel-plus 是一个多端(PC、WAP)阅读 、功能完善的小说 CMS 系统。包括小说推荐、小说检索、小说排行、小说阅读、小说书架、小说评论、小说爬虫、会员中心、作家专区、充值订阅、新闻发布等功能。
Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more
这是一个Android系统TTS应用,内置微软演示接口,可自定义HTTP请求,可导入其他本地TTS引擎,以及根据中文双引号的简单旁白/对话识别朗读 ,还有自动重试,备用配置,文本替换等更多功能。
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Source code syntax highlighting for OneNote 2016 and OneNote for O365 . NoteHighlight 2013 port for OneNote 2016 (32-bit and 64-bit)
A OneNote add-in with simple, yet powerful and useful features
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Free prompt engineering online course. ChatGPT and Midjourney tutorials are now included!
🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
ChatGPT 中文调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
Unleash your creativity with Pixelorama, a powerful and accessible open-source pixel art multitool. Whether you want to create sprites, tiles, animations, or just express yourself in the language o…
🦄 A curated list of privacy & security-focused software and services
PULSE: Self-Supervised Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration of Generative Models
🔒 A compiled checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2024
A very small, very simple, yet very secure encryption tool.