xAsset #416
Felix is a cat uses a "Coin Flip" model to shift through multi-state reflections modes with reflections in WETH, auto LP provisioning, and a few tricks including a form of on-chain randomness provided by arithmetic simulation of even(heads) and odds(tails).
I check for even or odd numbers, labeled as "heads" or "tails", heads is even, tails is odd. Solidity doesn't have natural processing for strings, hard to compare strings... Go figure..
So then I hashed the abi encoded strings with the keccak256 crypto, check against a rule set for a match which we use to switch between "heads" or "tails" then alternate between states based on additional random logic comparisons of keccak256 of the abi encoded strings of the "modes" to alter between the 4 states in on-chain random-esque order, ensuring that all 4 states occur at least once.
This is the most recent contract version for codename FELIX, I renamed the contract Interchained to avoid misdirecting any hype or what not.
The code is mostly functional, and randomness is achieved on-chain for one of if not the very first time ever. I am unfortunately not complete, I am so sorry it is not done yet. I will do my best to complete the audit of the fee structure by tomorrow. We have a contact with a connection with auditor and hopefully this can speed the process.. I want you to know I worked very hard on this, and contributed many hours over recent days. I included a test bot script with ethersJs and nodeJs. I will complete the bot, it's purely for development at this point, the next stage of the bot will take it to return animations on events / calls to contract. This contract took a lot of work. I am proud of what we have achieved here, perhaps this could be a million dollar contract! Or 100 million!
To deploy, check all the variables in constructor (prepared for polygon). Add infura keys to the truffle-config, and load up a *.pk for the network you're deploying on. Ensure all details are correct in truffle-config. for example; npx truffle console --network polygon then inside truffle console: migrate
Post-deployment Verify: truffle run verify ContractName@0xCONTRACTADDRESS This assumes you published a polygonscan or etherscan API key to the truffle-config *(get yours from etherscan or polygonscan by registering an account)
Post-verification Most configurables are pre-initialized in contructor. A Pair is created at the router supplied upon contract construction (deployment). Get the address from Read tab on etherscan/polygonscan. Look for pair. That is marketPair needed for setAMMPair() below. Keep reading, it's easy...
To launch contract run the following functions to make it easy:
No params for the #1 & #2 functions just approvals, and launch. For #3 use the pair address from UNI/Quick Fpr #4 use true for enabled, and (amount * (10**_decimals) for _amount
- approveWETH()
- launch()
- setAMMPair(address marketPair)
- setLiquifySettings(bool _enabled, uint256 _amount)
Testing: We can test setBlockMode() and see that the checkBlockType() alters with each "flip". Functions are easier to test with the nodejs-telegram-ethersjs bot (a bot skeleton is provided in this repo) to activate the bot, talk to telegram Botfather, and get a secret key for your bot. Then export SECRET='TELEGRAM_API_KEY' and node nodeEthers.js to witness bot output getBlockMode() to console.
More research & development to follow! Thanks for reading.
If you're interested in collaborating and learning about cryptocurrency development contact Interchained @ https://t.me/interchained https://t.me/cryptocurrencydevs
If you found this repository useful, I will leave my ETH address below for any readers who would like to donate some ether to help me fund this research & future xAssets experimental smart contracts. We are a small team, and with your help we can continue to grow.
Here is my ethereum address. An ethereum address is safe to use for Polygon, or Ethereum, or Binance smart chain, any address beginning with 0x and which is 42 characters ranging from a-f and 0-9 will work on any ethereum virtual machine compatible network.
Donation Public Wallet: 0x972c56de17466958891BeDE00Fe68d24eAb8c2C4
All claims, content, designs, algorithms, and performance measurements described in this project are done with good faith efforts. imagery, fanart, or any references to real life are just a coincidence, also we don't own or claim rights to the ASCII art in this contract, it's for fun and we love cats! It is up to the reader to check and validate their accuracy and truthfulness. Furthermore, nothing in this project constitutes a solicitation for investment. For educational purposes. Join the movement! https://t.me/cryptocurrencydevs