A powerful javascript library to create amazing and smooth effects for the mouse cursor on your website.
GSAP v3 (https://greensock.com/gsap/)
npm install gsap --save
npm install mouse-follower --save
Import cursor styles from /src/scss/index.scss
into your main SCSS file:
@import "cursor";
Mouse Follower requires GSAP library to work.
Import GSAP, import Mouse Follower and initialize it in JS:
import MouseFollower from "mouse-follower";
import gsap from "gsap";
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
You can configure cursor follower via options:
const cursor = new MouseFollower({
container: '.mf-container',
speed: 0.3
The following options with defaults are available:
const cursor = new MouseFollower({
el: null,
container: document.body,
className: 'mf-cursor',
innerClassName: 'mf-cursor-inner',
textClassName: 'mf-cursor-text',
mediaClassName: 'mf-cursor-media',
mediaBoxClassName: 'mf-cursor-media-box',
iconSvgClassName: 'mf-svgsprite',
iconSvgNamePrefix: '-',
iconSvgSrc: '',
dataAttr: 'cursor',
hiddenState: '-hidden',
textState: '-text',
iconState: '-icon',
activeState: '-active',
mediaState: '-media',
stateDetection: {
'-pointer': 'a,button',
'-hidden': 'iframe'
visible: true,
visibleOnState: false,
speed: 0.55,
ease: 'expo.out',
overwrite: true,
skewing: 0,
skewingText: 2,
skewingIcon: 2,
skewingMedia: 2,
skewingDelta: 0.001,
skewingDeltaMax: 0.15,
stickDelta: 0.15,
showTimeout: 20,
hideOnLeave: true,
hideTimeout: 300,
hideMediaTimeout: 300
Name | Type | Description |
el |
string | HTMLElement |
Existed cursor element. If not specified, the cursor will be created automatically. |
container |
string | HTMLElement |
Cursor container. Body by default. |
className |
string |
Cursor root element class name. |
innerClassName |
string |
Inner element class name. |
textClassName |
string |
Text element class name. |
mediaClassName |
string |
Media element class name. |
mediaBoxClassName |
string |
Media inner element class name. |
iconSvgClassName |
string |
SVG sprite class name. |
iconSvgNamePrefix |
string |
SVG sprite class name prefix of icon. |
iconSvgSrc |
string |
SVG sprite source. If you are not using SVG sprites leave this blank. |
dataAttr |
string | null |
Name of data attribute for changing cursor state directly in HTML markdown. Uses an event delegation. |
hiddenState |
string |
Hidden class name state. |
textState |
string |
Text class name state. |
iconState |
string |
Icon class name state. |
activeState |
string | null |
Active (mousedown) class name state. Set false to disable. |
mediaState |
string |
Media (image/video) class name state. |
visible |
boolean |
Is cursor visible by default. |
visibleOnState |
boolean |
Automatically show/hide cursor when state added. Can be useful when implementing a hidden cursor follower. |
stateDetection |
object | null |
Allow to set predefined states for different elements on page. Uses an event delegation. |
speed |
number |
Cursor movement speed. |
ease |
string |
Timing function of cursor movement. See gsap easing. |
overwrite |
boolean |
Overwrite or remain cursor position when mousemove event happened. See gsap overwrite modes. |
skewing |
number |
Default "skewing" factor. |
skewingText |
number |
Skew effect factor in a text state. Set 0 to disable skew in this mode. |
skewingIcon |
number |
Skew effect factor in a icon state. Set 0 to disable skew in this mode. |
skewingMedia |
number |
Skew effect factor in a media (image/video) state. Set 0 to disable skew in this mode. |
skewingDelta |
number |
Skew effect base delta. Set 0 to disable skew in this mode. |
skewingDeltaMax |
number |
Skew effect max delta. Set 0 to disable skew in this mode. |
stickDelta |
number |
Stick effect delta. |
showTimeout |
number |
Delay before show. May be useful for the spawn animation to work properly. |
hideOnLeave |
boolean |
Hide the cursor when mouse leave container. |
hideTimeout |
number |
Hiding delay. Should be equal to the CSS hide animation time. |
initialPos |
array |
Array (x, y) of initial cursor position. |
These basic methods allow you to show and hide the cursor:
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor="-hidden">Hover me to hide cursor!</div>
A state is essentially a class that applies to the root element of the cursor. You can change the appearance of the
cursor using CSS (see cursor.scss
To set/unset state use methods:
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
cursor.addState('-inverse'); // you can pass multiple states separated by whitespace
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor="-inverse">Hover me to inverse cursor!</div>
You can customize the list of states for all elements on the page:
const cursor = new MouseFollower({
stateDetection: {
'-pointer': 'a,button',
'-opaque': '.my-image',
'-hidden': '.my-input'
<a>On this element cursor will be in pointer state</a>
<div class="my-image">On this element cursor will be in opaque state</div>
<div class="my-input">On this element cursor will be hidden</div>
Note: State detection feature uses an event delegation. Do not create large amount rules and complex selectors to avoid performance problems. It is recommended to disable this in projects with a large number of nested DOM elements. This also applies to binding via data attribute.
To fully disable event delegation:
const cursor = new MouseFollower({
stateDetection: false,
dataAttr: false
To display text in the cursor use this method:
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor-text="Hello!">Hover me!</div>
If you use SVG spritesheet in your project and want to display them in the cursor, then you can use this method. In this case, you need to specify the path to the SVG sprite in the options and set class names.
const cursor = new MouseFollower({
iconSvgSrc: '/assets/img/sprites/svgsprites.svg',
iconSvgClassName: 'my-spritesheet',
iconSvgNamePrefix: '-',
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor-icon="arrow-left">Hover me!</div>
This method allows you to show any picture in the cursor:
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor-img="/img/example.png">Hover me to show image!</div>
You can also play videos:
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor-video="/video/example.mp4">Hover me to show movie!</div>
This method allows you to attach the cursor to an element with a magnet effect. This only works correctly with fixed elements on the page.
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const box = document.querySelector('.my-fixed-box');
const el = document.querySelector('.my-fixed-element');
box.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
box.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor-stick>Hover me to stick cursor!</div>
You can also pass element selector to data attribute:
<div data-cursor-stick="#stick-me">Hover <div id="stick-me">me</div> to stick cursor!</div>
The skew effect is the distortion of the cursor when moving. It looks good with round cursors.
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
Hidden cursor
In this example, the cursor is initialized hidden by default and only appears on the desired element.
const cursor = new MouseFollower({
visible: false
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
or via data attribute:
<div data-cursor-show data-cursor-text="Surprise!">Hover me to show cursor!</div>
Destroy the cursor completely and remove all event listeners.
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
Mouse Follower comes with a useful events you can listen. Events can be assigned in this way:
const cursor = new MouseFollower();
cursor.on('show', () => {
console.log('cursor appear');
You can also delete an event that you no longer want to listen in these ways:
cursor.off('show', myHandler);
Name | Arguments | Description |
show |
(cursor) |
Event will be fired when the show state is entered. |
hide |
(cursor) |
Event will be fired when the hidden state is entered. |
addState |
(cursor, state) |
Event will be fired when the state is added. |
removeState |
(cursor, state) |
Event will be fired when the state is removed. |
render |
(cursor) |
Event will be fired on each render tick. |
destroy |
(cursor) |
Event will be fired when the instance is destroyed. |