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Group Name: The Matrix

Team members:

Cuiwei Cheng / cc4309
Jian Ji / jj2985
Ellie Li / yl3883
Yijie Fu / yf2474

Class Section: IEOR E4501 Tools for Analytics Section1

All of our functions, examples and results can be viewed by simply running example.ipynb.

Purpose of the project

We propose to investigate the indicators of stocks, construct and optimize a stock portfolio to yield a higher return by creating a python financial analysis library. The library consists of time series analysis, a Web Crawler, an Exploratory Data Analysis, and Model Buildings.

Functions of our project

Install relevant packages before start

To successfully achive the purpose and realize functions of our project, python packages including pandas_datareader and mpl_finance are required to be installed.

Get time series of stock prices by Web Crawler

Download csv file of a stock

Enter a string of stock symbol, a csv file will be downloaded automatically into the current path

Company / Index Symbol
Apple Inc. AAPL
Tesla, Inc. TSLA
Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA
Standard & Poor's 500 SPX
>>> import stock_price as sp
>>> sp.download_stock_price('aapl')

Get a dataframe of a single stock

Enter a string of a stock symbol, a dataframe will be returned. This dataframe contains columns Date, Open(high, low, close) Price, Volume, etc.

>>> import stock_price as sp
>>> x = sp.dataframe_of_single_stock('TSLA')
>>> print(x)

Get a dataframe of several stocks

This function takes a list of stock symbols, and returns a dataframe. Indexes are different date, columns are different stocks.

>>> import stock_price as sp
>>> y = sp.dataframe_of_stocks(['BIDU', 'SINA'])
>>> print(y)

Analyze stock prices by exploratory data analysis and plotting K-line graph

Exploratory data analysis

  • Show a line plot comparing close price of different stocks.
>>> import exploratory_data_analysis as eda
>>> x = eda.EDA(['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'GS', 'MS'])
>>> x.compare_close_price()


  • Show the 20 day average with close price with respect to different stocks.
>>> x.show_moving_avg()


  • Show the heatmap of correlation between the stocks close price.
>>> x.show_corr_map()


Plot K-line graph

>>> import k_plot
>>> k_plot.plot_k_line('AAPL')


Investigate indicators of stock prices

Analyze six indicators:

Indicators Method
Open price get_Open
Close price get_Close
Volume get_Volume
Simple Moving Average get_SMA
Rate of Return get_ROC
Force Index get_FI
>>> import indicator
>>> x = indicator.Indicator('AAPL')
>>> x.get_Volume()


Build factor models and conduct PCA to construct stock portfolios

Step1: Get the price of stocks

Assume we have m daily price of n stocks stored in asset_pool_pd, which is a pd.DataFrame having n rows * m columns For example, let asset_pool_pd be a pd.DataFrame which has 947 rows x 504 columns. Each row represents a stock and each column represent a day.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('company_list.csv')
>>> list_of_stock_symbol = df['Symbol'][:50]  # first fifty stocks in the company list provided.
>>> asset_pool_pd = sp.dataframe_of_stocks(list_of_stock_symbol)
>>> asset_pool_pd=asset_pool_pd.T
>>> asset_pool_pd.head()
        0        1        2      3    ...      249      250    251    252
IOTS   5.31   5.1400   5.1400   5.27  ...     7.55   7.3500   7.85   8.20
AEY    1.33   1.3385   1.3385   1.35  ...     1.48   1.4504   1.49   1.50
ADUS  74.22  75.5800  73.9900  71.75  ...    32.20  33.4000  33.15  33.30
ADAP   6.16   5.9500   5.1500   5.11  ...     7.80   7.9300   8.10   8.28
ADMP   3.05   2.7700   2.7500   2.65  ...     4.75   4.0000   4.05   3.80

[5 rows x 253 columns]

Step2: Set the parameter tolerance

Set the tolerance as the stopping condition for calculating eigenvalue: If the current eigenvalue is less than
tolerance*the max eigenvalue, we stop calculating the eigenvalue because the following eigenvalue is too small and trivial.
For example:

>>> tolerance=0.0000001

Step3: Generate eigenvalue and eigenvector

>>> from eigen import calculate_eigens 
>>> evalist,vlist=calculate_eigens(asset_pool_pd,tolerance)
>>> len(evalist)
>>> len(vlist)
>>> len(vlist[0])

We can take an insight into the module eigen and function calculate_eigens

>>> import eigen
>>> dir(eigen)

It includes the following three steps:

  1. Calculate the return rate matrix
  2. Calculate covariance matrix of rate of return
  3. Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Step3.1 Calculate rate of return

>>> import eigen 
>>> asset_pool_return_pd=eigen.calculate_return_rate(asset_pool_pd)
>>> asset_pool_return_pd.head()
           1         2         3      ...          250       251       252
IOTS -0.032015  0.000000  0.025292    ...    -0.026490  0.068027  0.044586
AEY   0.006391  0.000000  0.008592    ...    -0.020000  0.027303  0.006711
ADUS  0.018324 -0.021037 -0.030274    ...     0.037267 -0.007485  0.004525
ADAP -0.034091 -0.134454 -0.007767    ...     0.016667  0.021438  0.022222
ADMP -0.091803 -0.007220 -0.036364    ...    -0.157895  0.012500 -0.061728

[5 rows x 252 columns]

Step3.2: Calculate the covariance matrix of rate of return

>>> import eigen 
>>> cov_matrix=eigen.calculate_cov(asset_pool_return_pd)
It takes 0.010636419999968894 seconds to compute Cov matrix using our own algorithm.

Step3.3: Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors

>>> import eigen 
>>> [evalist, vlist] =eigen._estimate_spectrum(cov_matrix, tolerance)

Step4: Generate lower-dimensional covariance matrix

We can now select the top k eigenvector to reduce dimensions.
Example below assume k=10

>>> import eigen 
>>> import numpy as np
>>> k=10
>>> lower_dim_mat=eigen.reduce_dimension(asset_pool_pd,vlist,k)
>>> lower_dim_mat.shape
(253, 10)

Therefore, the lower_dim_mat is now the dimension-reduced matrix from original daily price data asset_pool_pd, which reduce the 947 stocks to 10 principal stocks with still holding 253 days data

Build Neural Network to analyze stock portfolios

Step1: Set parameter for the Neural Network

We need to initialize these parameters for training and prediction:
n, m, t, gap, activation_func, epochs, learning_rate, stockdata
n: number of assets, integer
m: number of neural nodes in hidden layers, integer
t : set the first t days return data of n assets as the traing dataset gap : we use data of day t to predict data of day t+gap, integer activation_func: type of activation function, string
(We define three types of activation function in this module: 'tanh', 'relu', 'sigmoid')
epochs: number of iterations in training
learning_rate: stride in backpropogation affecting the update amount of parameters (vector 'W' and 'b' on each arc) in Neural Network stockdata: n rows (assets) and several colomns (days)

>>> import NeuralNetwork 
>>> n=44; m=50; epochs=1000; gap=3; activation_func='tanh'; learning_rate=0.0000001; stockdata=asset_pool_return_pd; t=10

Step2: Predict stock price

In this step, we first train the Neural Network by using the first 0 to t days of return data.
We use data on day i to train data on day i+gap and then utilize the trained NN model to predict the second part t to end days of return.
The output data Y_hat is the prediction value of the return on day t to end and the total_cost (sum square of error of each day and each asset).

>>> import NeuralNetwork 
>>> Y_hat, total_cost=NeuralNetwork.NNPredict(n,m,t, gap, activation_func, epochs, learning_rate,stockdata)
i =  997 cost =  7.101546276402318 avg_unit_cost 2.975790833376208e-05
i =  998 cost =  7.101546943819563 avg_unit_cost 2.975791113046866e-05
i =  999 cost =  7.101547612308513 avg_unit_cost 2.975791393166605e-05
>>> Y_hat.shape
(44, 239)

Therefore, Y_hat has prediction return of 44 asset on 239 days

Optimize the portfolios by Quadratic Optimization

Step1: Set parameters

Set the lower bounds, upper bounds and mu(which is expected return rate for n stocks.

>>> import random
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> covariance=pd.DataFrame(cov_matrix)
>>> n=len(covariance)
>>> lower=np.array([random.uniform(0, 0.05) for i in range(n)])
>>> upper=np.array([random.uniform(0.9, 1) for i in range(n)])
>>> mu=asset_pool_return_pd.mean(axis=1)
>>> mu.head()
IOTS    0.002731
AEY     0.000636
ADUS   -0.002932
ADAP    0.002174
ADMP    0.002430
dtype: float64
>>> mu=mu.values

Set lambda denoting the risk preference in the Markowitz Model, larger lambda means risk preference

>>> lam=10

Set (or calculated from original stock price data) the covariance matrix of the n stocks

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> covariance=pd.DataFrame(cov_matrix)

Step2: Utilize First Order Method and iterate enough times to achieve optimal weight of n stocks

>>> from quadratic import quadratic_opt 
>>> n=len(covariance)
>>> matrix=np.vstack((lower,upper,mu)).T
>>> matrix=pd.DataFrame(data=matrix,columns=['lower', 'upper', 'mu'])
>>> result = quadratic_opt(n,lam,matrix,covariance)
>>> if type(result)!=str:
        x_new = result[0]
        F_new = result[1]
        print('Output message is', result)

We then get the optimal weight of n stocks and the corresponding minimum value of the Markowitz's Objective Function. Therefore, since we have the optimal weight of the n stocks, we can base on this weight to construct the portfolio and conduct further analysis.

One small-scale example (4 assets):

>>> from quadratic import quadratic_opt 
>>> n=4
>>> lam=10
>>> matrix
         lower  upper     mu
asset_1  0.010    0.5  20.00
asset_2  0.000    1.0   0.04
asset_3  0.005    1.0   0.10
asset_4  0.030    0.4  -0.05
>>> covariance
         asset_1  asset_2  asset_3  asset_4
asset_1    54.00     -0.3    -0.02     0.00
asset_2    -0.30     12.0     0.50     1.00
asset_3    -0.02      0.5     4.00     0.30
asset_4     0.00      1.0     0.30     0.02
>>> x_new, F_new = quadratic_opt(n,lam,matrix,covariance)
x= [0.05486039 0.10914633 0.43694331 0.39904997] F= 11.946741691325817
x= [0.0547931  0.10986011 0.4362954  0.39905139] F= 11.946661522359891
x= [0.0545109  0.10916799 0.43726374 0.39905737] F= 11.946527345603972
>>> x_new
array([0.0545109 , 0.10916799, 0.43726374, 0.39905737])

Further backtesting
We can now calculating the historic value and maximum drawdown of the portfolio based on these weights of n assets.
In the module quadratic, we provide the method backtest and max_drawdown to calculate and plot.
Above example continues:

>>> from quadratic import backtest, max_drawdown
>>> p_mat=asset_pool_pd[0:4]
>>> p_mat
array([[ 5.31  ,  5.14  ,  5.14  , ...,  7.35  ,  7.85  ,  8.2   ],
       [ 1.33  ,  1.3385,  1.3385, ...,  1.4504,  1.49  ,  1.5   ],
       [74.22  , 75.58  , 73.99  , ..., 33.4   , 33.15  , 33.3   ],
       [ 6.16  ,  5.95  ,  5.15  , ...,  7.93  ,  8.1   ,  8.28  ]])
>>> value_port=backtest(x_new,p_mat)


>>> value_port
array([35.34655418, 35.84909189, 34.83459665, 33.84750544, 32.47909014,
       32.57250577, 32.98604229, 32.79489458, 33.06224579, 34.20150541,
       17.7890263 , 18.35813423, 17.98212881, 17.6029267 , 17.76566572,
       18.3281261 , 18.31822843, 18.47581881])
>>> max_drawdown(value_port)

Another example: Combine Quadratic Optimization with PCA to construct portfolio
We now have the lower_dim_mat generated from PCA. Then we can apply the quadratic optimization on this new virtual daily price data

>>> import random
>>> import eigen 
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from quadratic import quadratic_opt 

>>> asset_pool_return_pd=eigen.calculate_return_rate(lower_dim_mat)
>>> cov_matrix=eigen.calculate_cov(asset_pool_return_pd)
>>> covariance=pd.DataFrame(cov_matrix)
>>> n=len(covariance)
>>> lower=np.array([random.uniform(0, 0.1) for i in range(n)])
>>> upper=np.array([random.uniform(0.9, 1) for i in range(n)])
>>> mu=asset_pool_return_pd.mean(axis=1)
>>> mu=mu.values

>>> matrix=np.vstack((lower,upper,mu)).T
>>> matrix=pd.DataFrame(data=matrix,columns=['lower', 'upper', 'mu'])
>>> result = quadratic_opt(n,lam,matrix,covariance)
>>> if type(result)!=str:
        x_new = result[0]
        F_new = result[1]
        print('Output message is', result)

Therefore, now x_new is the optimal vector of weights for lower_dim_mat with k-dimension


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