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CypressVillage committed Jan 27, 2024
2 parents 41cd27f + 287ae64 commit 546054d
Showing 1 changed file with 196 additions and 12 deletions.
208 changes: 196 additions & 12 deletions src/Chapter3.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -344,6 +344,14 @@ of a book, but you are not limited only by the book properties we described.
Create your own book type of your dreams!

data Book = Book {
bookName :: String,
bookAuthor :: String,
bookDescrip :: String,
bookPrice :: Double,
bookISBN :: String
} deriving (Show)

{- |
=⚔️= Task 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,6 +384,21 @@ after the fight. The battle has the following possible outcomes:

data Character = Character {
health :: Int,
attack :: Int,
gold :: Int
} deriving (Show)

type Knight = Character
type Monster = Character

fight :: Monster -> Knight -> Int
fight (Character healthM attackM goldM) (Character healthK attackK goldK)
| attackK >= healthM = goldK + goldM
| attackM >= healthK = -1
| otherwise = goldK

{- |
=🛡= Sum types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,6 +485,12 @@ Create a simple enumeration for the meal types (e.g. breakfast). The one who
comes up with the most number of names wins the challenge. Use your creativity!

data Meal
= Breakfast [String]
| Lunch [String]
| Supper [String]
| Unknown

{- |
=⚔️= Task 4
Expand All @@ -482,6 +511,32 @@ After defining the city, implement the following functions:
and at least 10 living __people__ inside in all houses of the city in total.

data House = House {
livingPeople :: Int
} deriving Show

data Building = Church | Library deriving Show

data City = City {
castle :: Maybe String,
wall :: Maybe String,
building :: Building,
houses :: [House]
} deriving Show

buildCastle :: String -> City -> City
buildCastle name city = city {castle = Just name}

buildHouse :: House -> City -> City
buildHouse newhouse city@(City _ _ _ prehouses) = city {houses = newhouse:prehouses}

buildWalls :: String -> City -> City
buildWalls wallName city@(City cityCastle _ _ cityHouses)
| hasCastal && countPeople >= 10 = city {wall = Just wallName}
| otherwise = city
where hasCastal = cityCastle /= Nothing
countPeople = sum $ map livingPeople cityHouses

=🛡= Newtypes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,22 +617,27 @@ introducing extra newtypes.
🕯 HINT: if you complete this task properly, you don't need to change the
implementation of the "hitPlayer" function at all!
newtype PlayerHealth = PlayerHealth Int
newtype PlayerArmor = PlayerArmor Int
newtype PlayerAttack = PlayerAttack Int
newtype PlayerDexterity = PlayerDexterity Int
newtype PlayerStrength = PlayerStrength Int
data Player = Player
{ playerHealth :: Int
, playerArmor :: Int
, playerAttack :: Int
, playerDexterity :: Int
, playerStrength :: Int
{ playerHealth :: PlayerHealth
, playerArmor :: PlayerArmor
, playerAttack :: PlayerAttack
, playerDexterity :: PlayerDexterity
, playerStrength :: PlayerStrength

calculatePlayerDamage :: Int -> Int -> Int
calculatePlayerDamage attack strength = attack + strength
calculatePlayerDamage :: PlayerAttack -> PlayerStrength -> Int
calculatePlayerDamage (PlayerAttack attack) (PlayerStrength strength) = attack + strength

Check warning on line 634 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter Two (3.8, 9.4.4)

This binding for ‘attack’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 634 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter One (3.8, 9.4.4)

This binding for ‘attack’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 634 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Build Learn4Haskell (3.8, 9.4.4)

This binding for ‘attack’ shadows the existing binding

calculatePlayerDefense :: Int -> Int -> Int
calculatePlayerDefense armor dexterity = armor * dexterity
calculatePlayerDefense :: PlayerArmor -> PlayerDexterity -> Int
calculatePlayerDefense (PlayerArmor armor) (PlayerDexterity dexterity) = armor * dexterity

calculatePlayerHit :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
calculatePlayerHit damage defense health = health + defense - damage
calculatePlayerHit :: Int -> Int -> PlayerHealth -> PlayerHealth
calculatePlayerHit damage defense (PlayerHealth health) = PlayerHealth (health + defense - damage)

Check warning on line 640 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter Two (3.8, 9.4.4)

This binding for ‘health’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 640 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter One (3.8, 9.4.4)

This binding for ‘health’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 640 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Build Learn4Haskell (3.8, 9.4.4)

This binding for ‘health’ shadows the existing binding

-- The second player hits first player and the new first player is returned
hitPlayer :: Player -> Player -> Player
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,6 +815,20 @@ parametrise data types in places where values can be of any general type.
maybe-treasure ;)

data TreasureChest x = TreasureChest
{ treasureChestGold :: Int
, treasureChestLoot :: x

data Dragon magicType = Dragon {
magicPower :: magicType

data DragonLair chestType magicType = DragonLair {
treasure :: Maybe (TreasureChest chestType),
dragon :: Dragon magicType

=🛡= Typeclasses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -912,6 +986,21 @@ Implement instances of "Append" for the following types:
class Append a where
append :: a -> a -> a

newtype Gold = Gold Int

instance Append Gold where
append :: Gold -> Gold -> Gold
append (Gold x) (Gold y) = Gold (x+y)

Check warning on line 993 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter Two (3.8, 9.4.4)

The tight infix use of a ‘+’ might be repurposed as special syntax

Check warning on line 993 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter One (3.8, 9.4.4)

The tight infix use of a ‘+’ might be repurposed as special syntax

Check warning on line 993 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Build Learn4Haskell (3.8, 9.4.4)

The tight infix use of a ‘+’ might be repurposed as special syntax

instance Append [a] where
append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append x y = x ++ y

instance Append a => Append (Maybe a) where
append :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
append (Just x) (Just y) = Just (append x y)
append x Nothing = x
append Nothing y = y

=🛡= Standard Typeclasses and Deriving
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,6 +1062,28 @@ implement the following functions:
🕯 HINT: to implement this task, derive some standard typeclasses

data WeekDay = Sunday
| Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thursday
| Friday
| Saturday
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)

isWeekend :: WeekDay -> Bool
isWeekend Sunday = True
isWeekend Saturday = True
isWeekend _ = False

nextDay :: WeekDay -> WeekDay
nextDay Saturday = Sunday
nextDay otherDay = succ otherDay

daysToParty :: WeekDay -> Int
daysToParty Friday = 0
daysToParty otherDay = (+1) . daysToParty . nextDay $ otherDay

Check warning on line 1085 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter Two (3.8, 9.4.4)

The prefix use of a ‘+’ might be repurposed as special syntax

Check warning on line 1085 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Chapter One (3.8, 9.4.4)

The prefix use of a ‘+’ might be repurposed as special syntax

Check warning on line 1085 in src/Chapter3.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Build Learn4Haskell (3.8, 9.4.4)

The prefix use of a ‘+’ might be repurposed as special syntax

=💣= Task 9*
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1007,7 +1118,80 @@ properties using typeclasses, but they are different data types in the end.
Implement data types and typeclasses, describing such a battle between two
contestants, and write a function that decides the outcome of a fight!

type Health = Int
type Damage = Int

data Action = Attack | Heal Int | Cast Int | Runaway
data FightResult = Victory | Defeat | Continue deriving (Show, Eq)

class Fighter fighter where
getHealth :: fighter -> Health
getAttack :: fighter -> Damage
updateHealth :: fighter -> Health -> fighter
beAttacked :: fighter -> Int -> fighter
applyAction :: (fighter, fighter) -> Action -> (fighter, fighter)

data MonsterFighter = MonsterFighter {
monsterHealth :: Int,
monsterAttack :: Int
} deriving Show

data KnightFighter = KnightFighter {
knightHealth :: Int,
knightAttack :: Int,
knightDefense :: Int
} deriving Show

instance Fighter MonsterFighter where
getHealth = monsterHealth
getAttack = monsterAttack

updateHealth :: MonsterFighter -> Health -> MonsterFighter
updateHealth fighter newHealth = fighter {monsterHealth = newHealth}

beAttacked :: MonsterFighter -> Damage -> MonsterFighter
beAttacked fighter damage = updateHealth fighter newHealth
where newHealth = getHealth fighter - damage

applyAction :: Fighter a => (MonsterFighter, a) -> Action -> (MonsterFighter, a)
applyAction (monsterFighter, fighter) Attack = (monsterFighter, beAttacked fighter damage)
where damage = getAttack monsterFighter

instance Fighter KnightFighter where
getHealth = knightHealth
getAttack = knightAttack

updateHealth :: KnightFighter -> Health -> KnightFighter
updateHealth fighter newHealth = fighter {knightHealth = newHealth}

beAttacked :: KnightFighter -> Damage -> KnightFighter
beAttacked fighter damage = updateHealth fighter newHealth
where newHealth = getHealth fighter - damage + knightDefense fighter

applyAction :: Fighter a => (KnightFighter, a) -> Action -> (KnightFighter, a)
applyAction (knightFighter, fighter) action = case action of
Attack -> (knightFighter, beAttacked fighter damage)
where damage = getAttack knightFighter
Heal heal -> (updateHealth knightFighter newHealth, fighter)
where newHealth = getHealth knightFighter + heal
Cast cast -> (knightFighter {knightDefense = newDefense}, fighter)
where newDefense = knightDefense knightFighter + cast

fight1round :: Fighter a => (a, a) -> Action -> (a, a, FightResult)
fight1round (fighter1, fighter2) Runaway = (fighter1, fighter2, Defeat)
fight1round (fighter1, fighter2) action
| health1 <= 0 = (fighter1', fighter2', Defeat)
| health2 <= 0 = (fighter1', fighter2', Victory)
| otherwise = (fighter1', fighter2', Continue)
where health1 = getHealth fighter1'
health2 = getHealth fighter2'
(fighter1', fighter2') = applyAction (fighter1, fighter2) action

battle :: Fighter a => (a, [Action]) -> (a, [Action]) -> FightResult
battle (fighter1, x1:xs1) (fighter2, act2)
| result == Continue = battle (fighter2', act2) (fighter1', xs1)
| otherwise = result
where (fighter1', fighter2', result) = fight1round (fighter1, fighter2) x1

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