Cloud Engineer At Insight
- Varanasi, India
- 12h behind - https://d-coder135.github.io/Portfoilio_Project/
- in/devansh-k-shukla-63392a209
- @D_Optimist135
AZ-204: Developing solutions for Microsoft Azure
This repo contains source code for the phonebook application project baseed on Java MVC, Servlets and JSP's.
This repo contains the code for my portfolio website created using the concepts of FullStack.
⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
All files containing commands which can be used to complete GCP quests and challenge labs
This repo contains an Android Application that is build using Java Programming Language.
A simple version of tip calculator as an Android app using the Kotlin Language.
This repo contains an Android application that is build using Java Programming Language.
This repo contains a hybrid application build using JavaScript and one of its framework React-Native.
This repo contains a hybrid application build using JavaScript and its framework React-Native.
This repo contains a hybrid application that is build using React-Native and JavaScript.
This repo contains a hybrid application that is build using React-Native & JavaScript.
This repo contains a hybrid application that is build using React-Native and JavaScript.
Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
12 weeks, 24 lessons, classic Machine Learning for all
An interactive UI example of a social network app using the BLoC pattern.
An application that shows the live data for various crypto-currencies in USD & INR both. The application is build using Flutter and Dart Language.
Flutter example of an adaptive navbar depending on if it is running on the web or on a phone/tablet and screen size.
This is an example on how to implement a floating bottom navigationbar in Flutter.
An example of a steps counter UI using an animated circularprogressindicator and BLoC pattern.
Example on how to use Linear and Circular progress indicator to show progress with set values.
Implementation of my own version of codes for the linear data structures in Java Programming Language.
This Repo Contains Codes For Non-Linear Data Structures In Java Programming Language.
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Solutions