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Improved cleaning
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hoogeveen committed Jun 6, 2016
1 parent b82d34c commit 10c7914
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 98 deletions.
245 changes: 147 additions & 98 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
import nltk, json, codecs
import pydoc, math
import zipfile, random, datetime
import itertools
from operator import truediv
from scipy.misc import comb
from random import randrange
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ def change_to_default_stopwords(self, stopwordset='middle'):
self.__stopwords = self.__middle_stopwords # DEFAULT

def perform_cleaning(self, s, remove_stopwords=False, remove_punct=False, stem=False):
def perform_cleaning(self, s, maxcodelength=150, remove_stopwords=False, remove_punct=False, stem=False):
''' Takes a string as input and returns a cleaned version.
- The string will be lowercased and newlines removed.
- HTML tags will be removed.
Expand All @@ -420,33 +421,74 @@ def perform_cleaning(self, s, remove_stopwords=False, remove_punct=False, stem=F
- Other HTML entities will be removed, and string matching the following pattern too: '&#?[a-z]+;'.
- Whitespace is added around punctuation
maxcodelength: the maximum length of code blocks that will not be removed. Default: 150.
remove_stopwords: removed stop words. (Values: True or False)
remove_punct: punctuation is removed, except for punctuation in URLs and numbers. (Values: True or False)
stem: stemming is performed via the Porter stemmer as implemented in the NLTK ( (Values: True or False)
s, codes = self._deal_with_code(s,maxcodelength)
s = s.lower()
s = re.sub('\n', ' ', s)
s = self._remove_tags(s)
s = self._expand_contractions(s)
s = self._general_cleaning(s,remove_punct)
s = self._general_cleaning(s,codes,remove_punct)
if remove_stopwords:
s = self._remove_stopwords(s)
if stem:
s = self._stem(s)
s = self._fix_exceptions(s)

# TODO: consider removing dashes between hyphenated words (far-off -> faroff), and removing full stops in acronyms/initials (U.N. -> UN). It helps for METEOR apparently ( U.S.-based will become US based.

return s

def _fix_exceptions(self, s):
''' Takes a string as input, applies a bunch of regexes to it to fix exceptions that have accidentally been changed, and returns the new string. '''
s = re.sub(' \. net ', ' .net', s)
s = re.sub(' i \. e ', ' i.e. ', s)
# fix extensions
s = re.sub(' \. jpeg ', '.jpeg ', s)
s = re.sub(' \. jpg ', '.jpg ', s)
return s

def _deal_with_code(self, s, maxcodelength):
''' Takes a string as input, finds all code blocks in it and replace them with HHHH to protect them from whitespace addition, lower casing etc. Then returns the new string and a list of the code blocks so we can replace them after more cleaning. '''
codepat = re.compile(r'<code>[^<]+</code>')
codes = re.findall(codepat, s) # re.M for multiline matching not necessary?
n = 0
newcodes = []
for c in codes:
if len(c) < maxcodelength + 13: # two code tags are 13 characters
s = re.sub(re.escape(c), 'HHHH' + str(n), s)

# Remove brackets if other half is missing. Else we'll have problems when we try to put them back.
if'\)', c) and not'\(', c):
c = re.sub(r'\)', '', c)
if'\(', c) and not'\)', c):
c = re.sub(r'\(', '', c)

c = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', c, re.M) # remove real newlines
c = re.sub(r'\\n', r'\\\\n', c) # keep and escape \n in things like latex's \newcommand{}.
c = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', c)
c = re.sub(r'<code>', '', c)
c = re.sub(r'</code>', '', c)
n += 1
s = re.sub(re.escape(c), '', s) # Remove large code blocks

return s, newcodes

def url_cleaning(self, s):
''' Takes a string as input and removes references to possible duplicate posts, and other stackexchange urls. '''

posduppat = re.compile('<blockquote>(.|\n)+Possible Duplicate(.|\n)+</blockquote>', re.MULTILINE)
posduppat = re.compile(r'<blockquote>(.|\n)+?Possible Duplicate(.|\n)+?</blockquote>', re.MULTILINE)
s = re.sub(posduppat, '', s)

s = re.sub('<a[^>]+stackexchange[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', 'stackexchange-url ("\1")', s)
s = re.sub('<a[^>]+stackoverflow[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', 'stackexchange-url ("\1")', s)
s = re.sub(r'<a[^>]+stackexchange[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', 'stackexchange-url ("\1")', s)
s = re.sub(r'<a[^>]+stackoverflow[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', 'stackexchange-url ("\1")', s)

return s

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,30 +578,34 @@ def _stem(self, s):
def _fix_abbreviations(self, s):
''' Takes as input a string tokenized by nltk and joined again, and outputs a version in which the abbreviations have been fixed.
That means the final dot has been glued to the abbreviation once more.'''
if' ([a-z]\.[a-z])+ \.', s):
found ='( ([a-z]\.[a-z])+ \.)', s)
if' ([a-z]\.[a-z])+ \.', s):
found ='( ([a-z]\.[a-z])+ \.)', s)
abbr =
newabbr = re.sub(' ', '', abbr)
s = re.sub(abbr, ' ' + newabbr, s)
return s

def _remove_tags(self, s):
''' Takes a string as input and removes HTML tags.
Also removes mentions of possible duplicates and changes URLs that point to other StackExchange threads into 'stackexahcnge-url'.
And removes blocks of code. '''
''' Takes a string as input and removes HTML tags, except for code tags, which are remove in general_cleaning.
Also removes mentions of possible duplicates and changes URLs that point to other StackExchange threads into 'stackexahcnge-url'. '''

s = re.sub("<blockquote.+possible duplicate.+/blockquote>", " ", s)
s = re.sub("<a href=\"https?://[a-z]+\.stackexchange\.com[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>", r"\1", s)
s = re.sub("<a href=\"[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>", r"\1", s)
s = re.sub(r"<blockquote.+possible duplicate.+/blockquote>", " ", s)
s = re.sub(r"<a href=\"https?://[a-z]+\.stackexchange\.com[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>", r"\1", s)
s = re.sub(r"<a href=\"[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>", r"\1", s)

# Put some space between tags and urls or other things. So we don't accidentally remove more than we should a few lines further below this line.
s = re.sub("<", " <", s)
s = re.sub(">", "> ", s)

s = re.sub("https?://([a-z]+\.)?stackexchange\.com[^ ]+", "stackexchange-url", s)
s = re.sub("https?://stackoverflow\.com[^ ]+", "stackexchange-url", s)
s = re.sub("<code>[^<]+</code>", "", s)
s = re.sub('</?[^>]+>', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r"<", " <", s)
s = re.sub(r">", "> ", s)

s = re.sub(r"https?://([a-z]+\.)?stackexchange\.com[^ ]+", "stackexchange-url", s)
s = re.sub(r"https?://stackoverflow\.com[^ ]+", "stackexchange-url", s)

# Remove all tags except for code tags
alltags = re.findall(r'(</?)([^>]+)(>)', s) # list of tuples
for tag in alltags:
if tag[1] != u'code':
codetag = tag[0] + tag[1] + tag[2]
s = re.sub(re.escape(codetag), '', s)
return s

Expand All @@ -581,19 +627,13 @@ def _expand_contractions(self, s):
'weren\'t': ' were not',
'i\'ve': 'i have',
'you\'ve': 'you have',
'he\'s': 'he has',
'she\'s': 'she has',
'it\'s': 'it has',
'we\'ve': 'we have',
'they\'ve': 'they have',
'there\'s': 'there has',
'hasn\'t': 'has not',
'haven\'t': 'have not',
'i\'d': 'i had',
'you\'d': 'you had',
'he\'d': 'he had',
'she\'d': 'she had',
'it\'d': 'it had',
'we\'d': 'we had',
'they\'d': 'they had',
'doesn\'t': 'does not',
Expand All @@ -607,12 +647,7 @@ def _expand_contractions(self, s):
'they\'ll': 'they will',
'there\'ll': 'there will',
'i\'d': 'i would',
'you\'d': 'you would',
'he\'d': 'he would',
'she\'d': 'she would',
'it\'d': 'it would',
'we\'d': 'we would',
'they\'d': 'they would',
'there\'d': 'there had',
'there\'d': 'there would',
'can\'t': 'can not',
Expand All @@ -629,16 +664,17 @@ def _expand_contractions(self, s):
'won\'t': 'will not',
'wouldn\'t': 'would not',
'what\'s': 'what is',
'it\'s': 'it is',
'that\'s': 'that is',
'who\'s': 'who is',}
# Some forms of 's could either mean 'is' or 'has' but we've made a choice here.
# Some forms of 'd could either mean 'had' or 'would' but we've made a choice here.
# Some forms of 'll could wither mean 'will' or 'shall' but we've made a choice here.
for pat in c:
s = re.sub(pat, c[pat], s)
return s

def _general_cleaning(self, s, remove_punct=False):
def _general_cleaning(self, s, codes, remove_punct=False):
''' Takes a string as input and False or True for the argument 'remove_punct'.
Depending on the value of 'remove_punct', all punctuation is either removed, or a space is added before and after.
In both cases the punctuation un URLs and numbers is retained.
Expand All @@ -657,95 +693,108 @@ def _general_cleaning(self, s, remove_punct=False):
n = 0
newurls = []
for url in set(urls):
if'\)', url) and not'\(', url):
url = re.sub('\).*$', '', url)
if'\)', url) and not'\(', url):
url = re.sub(r'\).*$', '', url)
if'\\', url): # Get rid of backslashes because else we get regex problems when trying to put the URLs back.
url = re.sub(r'\\', '/', url)
s = re.sub(re.escape(url), 'GGGG' + str(n), s)
n += 1

# Protect points, commas and colon in numbers
while'([0-9])\.([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub('([0-9])\.([0-9])', r'\1BBB\2', s)
while'([0-9]),([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub('([0-9]),([0-9])', r'\1CCC\2', s)
while'([0-9]):([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub('([0-9]):([0-9])', r'\1DDD\2', s)
while'([0-9])\.([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub(r'([0-9])\.([0-9])', r'\1BBB\2', s)
while'([0-9]),([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub(r'([0-9]),([0-9])', r'\1CCC\2', s)
while'([0-9]):([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub(r'([0-9]):([0-9])', r'\1DDD\2', s)

s = re.sub('&amp;', ' and ', s)
s = re.sub(r'&amp;', ' and ', s)

if remove_punct:
# Remove all sorts of punctuation
#s = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]', ' ', s) # Too agressive!
if' ([a-z]\.)+', s): # protect abbreviations
found ='( ([a-z]\.)+)', s)
abbr =
newabbr = re.sub(' ', '', abbr)
newabbr = re.sub('\.', 'PPPP', abbr)
abbr_nop = re.sub('PPPP', '.', newabbr)
s = re.sub(abbr, newabbr, s)
s = re.sub('\.', '', s)
s = re.sub(newabbr, abbr_nop, s)
p = re.compile(r'( [a-z] \.)( [a-z] \.)+')
l = p.finditer(s)
if l:
for m in l:
newbit = re.sub(r' ', '', # Get rid of white space in abbreviations
newabbr = re.sub(r'\.', 'PPPP', newbit) # change dots in abbreviations into 'PPPP'
s = re.sub( + ' +', ' ' + newabbr + ' ', s) # protect abbreviations
s = re.sub(r'\.', '', s) # remove all points that are not in abbreviations
s = re.sub(newabbr, newbit, s) # place dots back in abbreviations
s = re.sub('\.', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(',', ' ', s)
s = re.sub('\?', ' ', s)
s = re.sub('!', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(' \'([a-z])', r' \1', s)
s = re.sub('([a-z])\' ', r'\1 ', s)
s = re.sub(' \"([a-z])', r' \1', s)
s = re.sub('([a-z])\" ', r'\1 ', s)
s = re.sub('\(', ' ', s)
s = re.sub('\)', ' ', s)
s = re.sub('\[', ' ', s)
s = re.sub('\]', ' ', s)
s = re.sub('([a-z]): ', r'\1 ', s)
s = re.sub(';', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(" - ", " ", s)
s = re.sub("- ", " ", s)
s = re.sub(r'\.', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r',', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\?', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r'!', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r' \'([a-z])', r' \1', s)
s = re.sub(r'([a-z])\' ', r'\1 ', s)
s = re.sub(r' \"([a-z])', r' \1', s)
s = re.sub(r'([a-z])\" ', r'\1 ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\(', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\)', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\[', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\]', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r'([a-z]): ', r'\1 ', s)
s = re.sub(r';', ' ', s)
s = re.sub(r" - ", " ", s)
s = re.sub(r"- ", " ", s)
# Add space around all sorts of punctuation.
#s = re.sub('([^a-zA-Z0-9_-])', r' \1 ', s) # Too agressive!
s = re.sub('\.', ' . ', s)
if'( [a-z] \.)+', s): # fix abbreviations
found ='(( [a-z] \.)+)', s)
abbr =
newabbr = re.sub(' ', '', abbr)
s = re.sub(abbr, ' ' + newabbr, s)
s = re.sub(',', ' , ', s)
s = re.sub('\?', ' ? ', s)
s = re.sub('!', ' ! ', s)
s = re.sub(' \'([a-z])', r" ' \1", s)
s = re.sub('([a-z])\' ', r"\1 ' ", s)
s = re.sub(' \"([a-z])', r' " \1', s)
s = re.sub('([a-z])\" ', r'\1 " ', s)
s = re.sub('\(', ' ( ', s)
s = re.sub('\)', ' ) ', s)
s = re.sub('\[', ' [ ', s)
s = re.sub('\]', ' ] ', s)
s = re.sub('([a-z]): ', r'\1 : ', s)
s = re.sub(';', ' ; ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\.', ' . ', s)

# Remove space around abbreviations
p = re.compile(r'( [a-z] \.)( [a-z] \.)+')
for m in p.finditer(s):
#print m.start(), '###' + + '###'
#print s[m.start() - 20: m.start() + 20]
newbit = re.sub(' ', '',
s = re.sub( + ' +', ' ' + newbit + ' ', s)
#print s[m.start() - 20: m.start() + 20]

s = re.sub(r',', ' , ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\?', ' ? ', s)
s = re.sub(r'!', ' ! ', s)
s = re.sub(r' \'([a-z])', r" ' \1", s)
s = re.sub(r'([a-z])\' ', r"\1 ' ", s)
s = re.sub(r' \"([a-z])', r' " \1', s)
s = re.sub(r'([a-z])\" ', r'\1 " ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\(', ' ( ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\)', ' ) ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\[', ' [ ', s)
s = re.sub(r'\]', ' ] ', s)
s = re.sub(r'([a-z]): ', r'\1 : ', s)
s = re.sub(r';', ' ; ', s)
s = re.sub(r"'s", " 's", s)

# Restore points, commas and colons in numbers
while'([0-9])BBB([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub('([0-9])BBB([0-9])', r'\1.\2', s)
while'([0-9])CCC([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub('([0-9])CCC([0-9])', r'\1,\2', s)
while'([0-9])DDD([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub('([0-9])DDD([0-9])', r'\1:\2', s)
while'([0-9])BBB([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub(r'([0-9])BBB([0-9])', r'\1.\2', s)
while'([0-9])CCC([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub(r'([0-9])CCC([0-9])', r'\1,\2', s)
while'([0-9])DDD([0-9])', s):
s = re.sub(r'([0-9])DDD([0-9])', r'\1:\2', s)

# restore URLs
for i, u in enumerate(newurls):
newurllist = itertools.izip(reversed(xrange(len(newurls))), reversed(newurls)) # reverse list to GGGG1 does not match GGG10. (Source:
for i, u in newurllist:
s = re.sub('GGGG' + str(i), u, s) # Escaping u here leads to backslashes in URLs.

# Get rid of things we don't want, like HTML entities.
s = re.sub("&[a-z]+;", "", s)
s = re.sub("&#?[a-z]+;", "", s) # &#xA; == '\n'
s = re.sub(r"&[a-z]+;", "", s)
s = re.sub(r"&#?[a-z]+;", "", s) # &#xA; == '\n'
# Remove excessive whitespace
s = re.sub("\s+", " ", s)
s = re.sub("^\s", "", s)
s = re.sub("\s$", "", s)
s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s)
s = re.sub(r"^\s", "", s)
s = re.sub(r"\s$", "", s)

# restore codeblocks
newlist = itertools.izip(reversed(xrange(len(codes))), reversed(codes)) # reverse list to hhhh1 does not match hhhh10 (Source:
for i, c in newlist:
s = re.sub('hhhh' + str(i), c.encode('unicode-escape'), s) # Escaping here leads to backslashes being added in the code blocks.
return s

Expand Down

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