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SOLID B2B Showcase - Shared Libraries


In this repo you'll find shared libraries for the SOLID B2B Showcase. You can use the libraries in your own project by installing them from npmjs.

  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-components: npm version Vue Components
  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-composables: npm version Vue Composables
  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-solid-interop: npm version SOLID interop helper functions
  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-solid-requests: npm version SOLID request helper functions
  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-solid-oidc: npm version SOLID OIDC helper functions
  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-theme: npm version Theme for Showcase Apps
  • @datev-research/mandat-shared-utils: npm version Common Utility Functions


Run e.g. npm i @datev-research/mandat-shared-components to install a package. Keep in mind that the used VueJS must match the version of the library!


If you make changes to the library you need to publish these changes to the npm-registry. Use the command npm run publish.

Each library defines its own indepenent version. So before publishing any package, you need to bump up the version in the corresponding librarys package.json. Versioning should always follow the SemVer pattern.


# bump version using command npm version
npm version patch -w @datev-research/mandat-shared-composables
# ensure a clean git working tree
git commit -a -m "chore: bump version of composables"
# lerna detects updated package automatically
npm run publish

Eine neue Lib erstellen

Go to Solid-B2B-showcase-libs

  1. Ordner unter /libs anlegen
  2. package.json anlegen (oder npm init aufrufen) 2. Name gem. Format @datev-research/NAME_DER_LIB
  3. tsconfig.json anlegen 3. an andere Libs orientieren.
  4. index.ts anlegen (zur Steuerung, was exportiert wird)
  5. Build Skripte einfügen, sodass ein "dist" Folder erstellt und gepublished werden kann.