teched2020-DAT163 Public
Forked from SAP-archive/teched2020-DAT163DAT163 - A Data Governance Journey with SAP Data Intelligence
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Forked from sap-russia/awesome-sapСписок полезных ресурсов русскоязычного SAP сообщества
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Forked from dan0nchik/SAP-HANA-AutoMLPython Automated Machine Learning library for tabular data.
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Forked from anyoptimization/pymooNSGA2, NSGA3, R-NSGA3, MOEAD, Genetic Algorithms (GA), Differential Evolution (DE), CMAES, PSO
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PyTorchChallenge Public
10 tasks with 3 exercises each based on PyTorch
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Forked from catalyst-team/catalystReproducible and fast DL & RL.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 12, 2019 -
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Find optimal augmentations with help of albumentations
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Forked from albumentations-team/albumentationsfast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries
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Exercises for tf (eager) learning
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Перевод документации TensorFlow с примерами в jupyter-е
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