This repository is an archive of HITCON 2024 x DEVCORE Wargame.
- Funny
- Welcome
- 0 point / 132 solves
- I wanna solve challenge, but don't want award
- -100 points / 20 solves
- Welcome
- Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- 1 point / 124 solves
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
- Expressionism
- 1 point / 56 solves
- Expressionism
- Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
- Difficulty: ★★★★☆
- Spring
- 1 point / 3 solves
- Wall..Maria
- 1 point / 16 solves
- Wall..Rose
- 0 point / 1 solves
- Spring
- Difficulty: ★★★★★★★
- Notes Space
- 1 point / 1 solves
- Notes Space
- 比賽時間:2024/8/22 (四) 10:00 - 2024/8/24 (六) 14:00
- 領獎時間:2024/8/24 (六) 14:40 - 2024/8/24 (六) 15:10
- 比賽方式:採 Jeopardy 模式,根據活動頁面指示解題取得該題分數,共有 7 題。最終以積分排名,若同分以解題時間先者獲勝。
- 領獎辦法:領獎時間至 DEVCORE 展攤(4 樓 P2,近東北側樓梯),將後台解題頁面顯示給工作人員,核對身分無誤後即可獲得對應名次之贈品。未至現場領取視同放棄。
- 問題回報:若題目出現問題或需要提示,請至留言版詢問
- Game time: 2024/8/22 (Thu.) 10:00 - 2024/8/24 (Sat.) 14:00
- Award Collection time: 2024/8/24 (Sat.) 14:40 - 2024/8/24 (Sat.) 15:10
- Format: Jeopardy. There are total 7 challenges. Rankings are based on accumulated points. In case of a tie, the one who solves the problems first wins.
- Award Collection Procedure: During the award collection time, please go to the DEVCORE booth (4th floor, P2, near the northeast staircase). Show the solution page from the backend to the staff. Once your identity is confirmed, you can receive the prize corresponding to your ranking. Unclaimed prizes will be forfeited.
- Problem Reporting: If there are issues with the challenges or if you need hints, please inquire on the message board.
- 1st Place:first_place_medal:: Flipper Zero
- 2nd Place:second_place_medal:: WiFi Pineapple Mark VII
- 3rd Place:third_place_medal:: USB Rubber Ducky Mark II
- 4th to 10th Place: DEVCORE Lamy 原子筆 + 文件夾 + 防窺鏡頭貼片
- 參加獎:收納袋 + 襟章 + 貼紙包 + 折疊提袋(解一題以上都可領取,不包括 Funny 類的題目,含前 10 名,領完為止)
- Participation Award: Storage bag + badge + sticker pack + reusable bag (solve 1+ questions, excluding Funny category, top 10 included, while supplies last).
- 請勿攻擊活動平台
- Please do not attack the scoreboard.
- 請勿癱瘓或破壞題目導致其他會眾無法解題。
- Please do not DoS or do anything that prevents other participants from solving challenges.
- 請勿在比賽期間分享 flag 或解題方法給其他會眾。
- Please do not share flag or writeup to other participants during the game time.
- 違反以上規則者,將取消領獎資格。
- Those who violate the above rule will be disqualified from receiving prizes.
- Flag 格式是
。 - The flag format is