I'm a Third Year Computer Science student at McMaster University, specializing in Machine Learning, Data Science, and Software Development. I'm passionate about building innovative applications and solving complex problems. Currently, I'm leading the FormFit subteam at the McMaster Artificial Intelligence Society, where we're developing a Computer Vision-based physiotherapy app. I'm also collaborating on various machine learning and software development projects.
- Languages: Python, C++, SQL, COBOL, Java, JavaScript, Bash, C, Haskell, Perl, TypeScript, Microsoft Visual Basic, ARM Assembly
- Frameworks: React.js, Next.js, Node.js, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Flask, Django, Google MediaPipe, React Native, Express.js
- Libraries & Tools: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, OpenCV, SciPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, JUnit, DB2, GitHub, Jira, ServiceNow, PowerBI
- Cloud Services: AWS Lambda, AWS S3, AWS CloudWatch, AWS EC2, Google Firebase, Azure Functions, Azure Blob, Azure VM, Digital Ocean, Docker, Kubernetes
- FormFit: A Computer Vision app for physiotherapy form evaluation, leading a subteam to present at CUCAI 2025.
- Music Visualization: Developing a Machine Learning-powered project using the Spotify API to visualize music data and trends using Generative AI
- SponsorPanda: Working on SponsorPanda, a platform focused on connecting startups with relevant sponsors and partners.
- Machine Learning and Data Mining techniques for model optimization.
- Quantum Computing and its applications in modern software.
- Always exploring AI and Computer Vision technologies.
- Learning Quantitative Finance through data analysis and exploring financial modeling techniques.
- Applying Machine Learning to Astronomy projects, including solar flare prediction and space data analysis for open-source NASA projects.
- Perform at least 2000 contributions on GitHub
- Build and Maintain a startup
- Start a Quant Finance Portfolio
- Make an Open-Source Contribution to NASA