The ICM-42688-P is a 6-axis MEMS MotionTracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer. It has a configurable host interface that supports I3CSM, I2C and SPI serial communication, features a 2 kB FIFO and 2 programmable interrupts with ultra low-power wake-on-motion support to minimize system power consumption.
Product Link(
- Get temperature data, gyroscope data and accelerometer data.
- Tap detection
- Wake on Motion
- Significant Motion Detection
There are two ways to use the library:
- Open the Arduino IDE, search for "DFRobot_ICM42688" in Tools --> Manager Libraries on the status bar, and install the library.
- First download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in that folder.
* @fn begin
* @brief Init function
* @return Init result
* @retval ERR_OK Init succeed
* @retval ERR_DATA_BUS Bus data read error
* @retval ERR_IC_VERSION The read Sensor ID is wrong
int begin(void);
* @fn getTemperature
* @brief Get measured temperature
* @return Temperature unit: ℃
float getTemperature(void);
* @fn getAccelDataX
* @brief Get X-axis accelerometer value
* @return X-axis accelerometer value unit: mg
float getAccelDataX(void);
* @fn getAccelDataY
* @brief Get Y-axis accelerometer value
* @return Y-axis accelerometer value unit: mg
float getAccelDataY(void);
* @fn getAccelDataZ
* @brief Get Z-axis accelerometer value
* @return Z-axis accelerometer value unit: mg
float getAccelDataZ(void);
* @fn getGyroDataX
* @brief Get X-axis gyroscope value
* @return X-axis gyroscope value unit: dps
float getGyroDataX(void);
* @fn getGyroDataY
* @brief Get Y-axis gyroscope value
* @return Y-axis gyroscope value unit: dps
float getGyroDataY(void);
* @fn getGyroDataZ
* @brief Get Z-axis gyroscope value
* @return Z-axis gyroscope value unit: dps
float getGyroDataZ(void);
* @fn tapDetectionInit
* @brief Tap detection init
* @param accelMode Accelerometer operating mode
* @n 0 for operating in low-power mode
* @n 1 for operating in low-noise mode
void tapDetectionInit(uint8_t accelMode);
* @fn getTapInformation
* @brief Get tap information
void getTapInformation();
* @fn numberOfTap
* @brief Get the number of tap: single-tap or double tap
* @return The number of tap
* @retval TAP_SINGLE single-tap
* @n TAP_DOUBLE double tap
uint8_t numberOfTap();
* @fn axisOfTap
* @brief Get the axis on which the tap occurred: X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis
* @return Tap axis
* @retval X_AXIS X-axis
* @retval Y_AXIS Y-axis
* @retval Z_AXIS Z-axis
uint8_t axisOfTap();
* @fn wakeOnMotionInit
* @brief Wake on motion init
void wakeOnMotionInit();
* @fn setWOMTh
* @brief Set wake on motion interrupt threshold of an axis accelerometer
* @param axis x/y/z axis
* @n ALL
* @param threshold Range(0-255) [WoM thresholds are expressed in fixed “mg” independent of the selected Range [0g : 1g]; Resolution 1g/256=~3.9mg]
void setWOMTh(uint8_t axis,uint8_t threshold);
* @fn setWOMInterrupt
* @brief Enable wake on motion interrupt
* @param axis x/y/z axis
void setWOMInterrupt(uint8_t axis);
* @fn enableSMDInterrupt
* @brief Set essential motion detection mode and enable SMD interrupt
* @param mode
* @n 0: disable SMD
* @n 2 : SMD short (1 sec wait) An SMD event is detected when two WOM are detected 1 sec apart
* @n 3 : SMD long (3 sec wait) An SMD event is detected when two WOM are detected 3 sec apart
void enableSMDInterrupt(uint8_t mode);
* @fn readInterruptStatus
* @brief Read interrupt information and clear interrupt
* @param reg Interrupt information register
* @n ICM42688_INT_STATUS2 Obtain interrupt information of SMD_INT, WOM_X_INT, WOM_Y_INT, WOM_Z_INT and clear them
* @n ICM42688_INT_STATUS3 Obtain interrupt information of STEP_DET_INT, STEP_CNT_OVF_INT, TILT_DET_INT, WAKE_INT, TAP_DET_INT and clear them
* @return Interrupt information, return 0 when no interrupt
uint8_t readInterruptStatus(uint8_t reg);
* @fn setODRAndFSR
* @brief Set ODR and Full-scale range of gyroscope or accelerometer
* @param who GYRO/ACCEL/ALL
* @n GYRO: indicate only set gyroscope
* @n ACCEL: indicate only set accelerometer
* @param ODR Output data rate
* @n ODR_32KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LN mode)
* @n ODR_16KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LN mode)
* @n ODR_8KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LN mode)
* @n ODR_4KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LN mode)
* @n ODR_2KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LN mode)
* @n ODR_1KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LN mode)
* @n ODR_200HZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LP or LN mode)
* @n ODR_100HZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LP or LN mode)
* @n ODR_50HZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LP or LN mode)
* @n ODR_25KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LP or LN mode)
* @n ODR_12_5KHZ Support: Gyro/Accel(LP or LN mode)
* @n ODR_6_25KHZ Support: Accel(LP mode)
* @n ODR_3_125HZ Support: Accel(LP mode)
* @n ODR_1_5625HZ Support: Accel(LP mode)
* @n ODR_500HZ Support: Accel(LP or LN mode)
* @param FSR Full-scale range
* @n FSR_0 Gyro:±2000dps / Accel: ±16g
* @n FSR_1 Gyro:±1000dps / Accel: ±8g
* @n FSR_2 Gyro:±500dps / Accel: ±4g
* @n FSR_3 Gyro:±250dps / Accel: ±2g
* @n FSR_4 Gyro:±125dps / Accel: not optional
* @n FSR_5 Gyro:±62.5dps / Accel: not optional
* @n FSR_6 Gyro:±31.25dps / Accel: not optional
* @n FSR_7 Gyro:±15.625dps / Accel: not optional
* @return Set result
* @retval true The setting succeeds
* @retval flase Selected parameter is wrong
bool setODRAndFSR(uint8_t who,uint8_t ODR,uint8_t FSR);
* @fn startFIFOMode
* @brief Enable FIFO
void startFIFOMode();
* @fn sotpFIFOMode
* @brief Disable FIFO
void sotpFIFOMode();
* @fn getFIFOData
* @brief Read FIFO data, read temperature, gyroscope and accelerometer data and save them for parse.
void getFIFOData();
* @fn setINTMode
* @brief Set interrupt mode
* @param INTPin Interrupt pin
* @n 1 Use INT1 interrupt pin
* @n 2 Use INT2 interrupt pin
* @param INTmode Set interrupt mode
* @n 1 Interrupt lock mode (remain polarity after interrupt trigger, and restore after clearing interrupt)
* @n 0 Pulse mode
* @param INTPolarity Level polarity output by interrupt
* @n 0 Interrupt pin polarity is LOW when producing interrupt
* @n 1 Interrupt pin polarity is HIGH when producing interrupt
* @param INTDriveCircuit
* @n 0 Open drain
* @n 1 Push pull
void setINTMode(uint8_t INTPin,uint8_t INTmode,uint8_t INTPolarity,uint8_t INTDriveCircuit);
* @fn startGyroMeasure
* @brief Start gyroscope
* @param mode Set gyroscope working mode
* @n STANDBY_MODE_ONLY_GYRO 1 Set stanby mode, only support gyroscope
* @n LN_MODE 3 Set low-noise mode
void startGyroMeasure(uint8_t mode);
* @fn startAccelMeasure
* @brief Start accelerometer
* @param mode Set accelerometer working mode
* @n LP_MODE_ONLY_ACCEL 2 Set low-power mode, only support accelerometer
* @n LN_MODE 3 Set low-noise mode
void startAccelMeasure(uint8_t mode);
* @fn startTempMeasure
* @brief Start thermometer
void startTempMeasure();
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
Arduino uno | only support 3.3V | |||
FireBeetle esp32 | √ | |||
FireBeetle esp8266 | √ | |||
FireBeetle m0 | √ | |||
Leonardo | only support 3.3V | |||
Microbit | √ | |||
Arduino MEGA2560 | only support 3.3V |
- 2021/09/28 - Version 1.0.0 released.
Written by yangfeng([email protected]), 2021. (Welcome to our website)