This repo contains C++ implementations of the following algorithms/data structures which are useful for competitive programming contests(ICPC, Codeforces, etc).
- Convex Hull Algorithm
- Graham Scan
- Dynamic Programming Tricks
- Dynamic Convex Hull Trick (not fully tested)
- LineContainer.h (source)
- Fenwick Tree
- Fenwick Tree
- Network Flow
- Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
- Dinic's Algorithm
- Kosaraju
- Segment Tree
- Segment Tree (with recursive implementation)
- Segment Tree w/ Lazy Propagation
- Merge Sort Tree
- Persistent Segment Tree
- String Matching
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt
- Manber-Myers(Suffix Array) + LCP Array
- Tree Algorithms
- Heavy Light Decomposition
- Least Common Ancestor