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Switch between projects faster. Don't write "pod install", "pod update" and "cd <your project>" anymore. Just click couple of buttons


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Switch between projects in 2 clicks. Don't write "pod install", "pod update" and "cd " in the terminal anymore!
NEW: Remove derived data of particular project!
NEW: Add your custom commands for a project!
NEW: Open Package.swift file!
NEW: Keep you aliases and custom script's commands in one list. Switch On and Off in the Preferences
NEW: Now you can open your project in Fork app

When do you need this tool

  • you want to open quickly specific Xcode project or Package.swift file
  • you want to clear derived data for a specific project only
  • you type "pod install", "pod update" and "pod deintegrate" in the terminal too often. Do it in 2 clicks
  • you need to remove Podfile.lock file quickly
  • you need to change directory to point to your project in the terminal
  • you want quickly open your project in SourceTree
  • you want to execute custom command for a project
  • you have a lot of projects or modules/frameworks and you need to switch between them quickly

How to use

When you open the app for the first time you would see empty screen

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click "+" button to add folder of you project within system dialog (Hint: choose multiple projects)

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Click "arrows" button to open your Xcode workspace/project

Click "swift" button to open your Package.swift in Xcode

Click "..." button to see the menu options

Switch between Projects/Aliases tabs in the bottom

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By default the app will parse your system .bash_profile and .zprofile files. But you can either add your alias manually or parse the existing script file for aliases.

Also it is possible to drag projects around.

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When "..." button of the project is clicked you will see the following

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Open in Terminal - opens the path to the project in terminal. Handy to quickly switch to the folder of the project

Open in Finder - opens the folder of the project in Finder

Open in Sourcetree - opens the folder of the project in Sourcetree (if you have Sourcetree installed)

Open in Fork - opens the folder of the project in Fork (if you have Fork installed)

Pod install - runs "pod install" command in terminal for the project

Pod update - runs "pod update" command in terminal for the project

Pod deintegrate - runs "pod deintegrate" command in terminal for the project

Remove Podfile.lock - removes file Podfile.lock from the project

Clear derived data - removes project's derived data folder

Rename project - opens new window to rename the project. Note: renames in the Xcode Projects app only - not physical folder/project etc.

Switch On/Off Aliases Tab - switches on/off the picker to show projects and aliases

Remove from the list - removes project from the list

If you have added custom commands then they would appear at the bottom of the list with option to remove the command

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Open in GitHub - opens the github webpage of XcodeProjects

Remove all projects - removes all projects from XcodeProjects app

Open derived data in Finder - opens Xcode derived data folder in Finder

Clear Xcode derived data - removes Xcode derived data from default location ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

Launch at Login - XcodeProjects app will be launched when MacOS was restarted/started

Show project's icon - show/hide project's icon next to the project's name

Add custom command - add custom command for all projects

Hint: Click on project icon to change its color

How to install

Go to release section in this repo and download the binary. Drag & drop to your Application folder. Enjoy!

If you see this window

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it is ok. No worries. It is new security measure in MacOS. Please click with a right button the XcodeProjects app. Then you will see

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Click Open

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Click Open again. That is it!


Just simple star ⭐️ will make my life happier :)

If you want to support this project, feel free to send some coffee money to this link If you don't want to spend money, you can still support me if you will share this tool with your colleagues and/or give me a star.


  • add command to support carthage update
  • add sorting to the list of projects
  • add favourites projects
  • configure the actions when you press on the project. so you will be able to see only those that you need


  • update commands logic so some commands like: open workspace, open in finder will not use terminal to open the files
  • put action "open in Xcode" in the main view
  • remove project's derived data folder
  • ability to rename project name
  • add ability to add custom command
  • add Sparkle framework to check for updates automatically

Special Thanks

Special thanks to




Switch between projects faster. Don't write "pod install", "pod update" and "cd <your project>" anymore. Just click couple of buttons






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