SMiLer is a SeMiLazy time series prediction system for sensors. The overall framework of SMiLer comprising of two main steps: search step and prediction step. More details about it can be found in the paper:
Jingbo Zhou, Anthony K. H. Tung; "SMiLer: A Semi-Lazy Time Series Prediction System for Sensors"; Proc. of 2015 ACM Int. Conf. on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2015)
You can see a running example in the folder "src/demo". The demo also give a brief introudction about the API and parameters.
####Dependencies The current code depends on the following external libraries:
Armadillo (, is a high quality C++ linear algebra library.
OpenBLAS (optional,, is an optimized BLAS library. OpenBLAS is not mandatory, but it helps Armadillo achieve better performance. (You also can use BLAS, ATLAS and LAPACK together to replace the OpenBLAS.)
Note: The project is created by Nsight IDE.
Note: Open issues if you have any question relating to this project.