Ham Radio Operator
- Germany
- 12h behind - https://www.wettersonde.net
- @do2jmg
- jean_m_grobel
- jmgjmgjmgjmg
dxlAPRS_LoRa_iGate Public
dxlAPRS Internet Gateway for LoRa with RTL-SDR
dxlAPRS_Scanner Public
dxlAPRS extension for scanning frequencies - find radiosonde
is2axudp Public
is2axudp is a small APRSIS-Server that sends APRS-Packet to a udpgate4 or udpbox
dxlAPRS_Scripte Public
Scripts for dxlAPRS to decode radiosondes and upload to wettersonde.net
dxlAPRS_AFSK_iGate_UHF Public
dxlAPRS Internet Gateway
dxlAPRS_encrypt Public
RS41-SGM report to wettersonde.net
LoRa-APRS-Digipeater Public
LoRa APRS Digipeater based for ESP32