Exponential Fitting Package
This package contains algorithms for fitting functions or discrete data with a sum of exponentials and for reducing the order of a sum of exponentials.
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(; url="https://github.com/DOC-package/ExpFit.jl")
As an example, we consider approximating a Bessel function. It is necessary to specify the range of approximation [0.0,10.0]
, the number of sample points N=100
, and the tolerance tol=1e-2
. Here is the script.
julia> using ExpFit
julia> using SpecialFunctions
julia> f = t -> besselj(0,t) + 1.0im*besselj(1,t)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> ef = expfit(f, 0.0, 10.0, 100, 1e-2)
(::Exponentials) (generic function with 2 methods)
The obtained exponents and coefficients are contained in ef
julia> println("Exponents: ", ef.expon)
Exponents: ComplexF64[0.6452980998429971 - 0.45960031394319034im, 0.07441134082707875 - 0.9779354644348793im, 0.4140265306909683 + 0.7881686630201671im]
julia> println("Coefficients: ", ef.coeff)
Coefficients: ComplexF64[0.5606982418231227 + 0.11793524228553061im, 0.43232179005370963 - 0.2865070855029491im, 0.013151533160065482 + 0.16322208134704955im]
As another use case, you can directly input equally spaced discrete sample data. In this case, a time interval is required.
julia> t = range(0.0, 10.0, length=100)
julia> fv = f.(t)
100-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
1.0 + 0.0im
0.9974508660068557 + 0.05044066474846497im
0.9898229555172593 + 0.10049567146911764im
-0.24027191897182099 + 0.06861955505415944im
-0.2459357644513483 + 0.04347274616886144im
julia> ef = expfit(fv, t[2]-t[1], 1e-2)
(::Exponentials) (generic function with 2 methods)
For more details, please refer to the documentation.